Hello Community,
just used AIOM for the first time and ran in some of the issues mentioned above. Got it to work with the help of this thread. Thank you guys.
Just in case someone finds it useful I add additionally some steps to update the CssMin Library quickly, until we get the next AIOM Update:
Create Folder site/modules/AllInOneMinify/lib/CssMin
Get the four files from: https://github.com/tubalmartin/YUI-CSS-compressor-PHP-port/tree/master/src (Colors.php, Command.php, Minifier.php, Utils.php) and put them in the folder above.
Remove namespacing after php tag in these files (i.e. delete namespace tubalmartin\CssMin;)
Change code in site/modules/AllInOneMinify/AllInOneMinify.module:
Z.541 replace the require_once statement where it includes the CssMin Class File with:
// require_once(wire('config')->paths->AllInOneMinify.'lib/CssMin'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cssmin.php');
Z.620 replace the following line
// $cssMin = new CSSmin();
$cssMin = new Minifier();
That did the job for me.