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  1. @kongondo Much appreciated. Found my way to the templates style info last night and that cleared the waters a bit. Knew where $content was being set, and why, just threw me because it wasn't outputting (obviously because _main.php was being called after the blog templates). The "demos" I've set up to toy around with probably clouded things for a first look. As I said, I'm rusty, so after finding those tuts you referenced I started over with the basic install (direct output). Closer to what I'm used to with WP and removes some hurdles. The blank profile sounds like a great option, but also a very large and empty canvas to start with (talk about a mental block). Will definitely go from scratch once I tinker a good bit, like when I start converting some other designs of mine to PW. Actually, got the direct output version installed and immediately started converting it to delayed output. haha Regarding PW 3, you may have already added this to your list of mods needed for the upgrade, but it worked okay until I tried to view the Posts list in the backend (dashboard, cats, tags, etc. worked). Forget the exact error now, but it was a "format() on null" error. Didn't check the frontend when I saw it so idk what's over on that side, just started over with PW 2.7. Was a gamble anyway (saw the lack of comp. listed). Thanks for the thoughtful (very) reply.
  2. Hey everyone. First off, totally new to PW. Fed up with WP's BS (delivered by the truckload) and testing all sorts of CMS/CMF systems. PW comes up in the discussion a lot. Not totally new to PHP or the relevant markup languages, but rusty. Anyway, installed the blog module, at first with templates and sample blog, then went to the site to view "Example Post" and got two pages in one. Literally, the page was output twice (from DOCTYPE to </html>). Used the cleanup to start again, and just did blank template files. Got a normal page, but with nothing more than the default extra menu items. So I copied the contents of module's `blog-post.php` to the site's template blank file created on install. Get a little more markup in the page that way, but no actual post or other settings (i.e., the Author name still displays as the default "Author Name"). Using the latest stable branch of PW v2 (got errors with one of the dependencies using v3 NS) with the intermediate profile and Process Blog installed from the admin. Been going through template files and am totally not getting how this works. What I can see is both `site/templates` and `modules/ProcessBlog/template-files` have the template files in them. I can see that the `blog-post.php` file requires `blog-main.inc` at the end. I can see that `blog-main.inc` contains a full HTML page and echoes the `$content` variable in an appropriate place. What I don't see is `$content` containing the actual content. I also don't see how the template file `blog-post.php` contains a full HTML page, and why it includes a second one as well. Gotta be missing something here. Sorry for the noob question. Edit: Sorry, forgot to specify _main.php is the file containing the complete page markup and is being appended to every template, as set in the main config file. I can unset that and only the blog post shows, but of course no styling shows. Of course, I can handle fixing that, but it's screwing with my understanding of the platform having to fix that on a demo setup of PW and the Process Blog. That, at least, should just work, albeit at a very basic level. Guess I'm just not getting the flow here. Any help appreciated.
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