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Posts posted by bbeer

  1. Hi all

    I have a problem listing pages when set on hidden I sue the following code. When I set to pages to unhidden the listing works well. Somehow I don't manage to find the problem.

    $stellen = $pages->get("1035", "sort=sort", "include=hidden")->children;
    foreach ($stellen as $stelle){ ?>
    <div class="jobList clr">
    <div class="col jobContent">
    <h2><?php echo $stelle->longtitle;?></h2>
    <?php echo $stelle->body;?>

    Your help is much appreciated.

  2. Thanks Can

    this solution I knew. Seems that this is the only way to go about. I was hoping for a more user friendly solution. Maybe that would really be something to look at in future, that FieldType Files would be as the other MultiLingual fields.

    Thanks again.

  3. Hi all

    I wonder on how to handle best multi lingual downloads. FieldType File has Multi Lingual descriptions for one and the same file.

    Maybe it would be a good idea to have a real FieldType File, where per language files could be uploaded.

    Thanks for your advice

    • Like 1
  4. I 've removed Site-wide File Manager the problem persists. Can't save new pages with that specific template.


    when I add a page with another template and save it, then change the template to products, it works. However I can not expect the client to setup a new page in another template and then change them.

  5. well yes quite a few.

    The things is that this is new. I am running 2.5.22 dev. and it is only this template that makes problems. I tried other templates, they let me add new pages without any problem. Checked the settings in the template, but there is nothing set any different.

  6. I have a very strange occurrence. I try to add new product pages, but it is impossible to save them. Whenever I add a new page and save it I get following error:

    New page '/de/produkte/schaltschrank-kuehlgeraete-outdoor/oc-5705/570501001sg/' must be saved before files can be accessed from it

    any one any idea of what that could be?

    your help is much appreciated.

  7. @MarcC

    Just the other day while on a hike I was thinking about making some kind of "Bob's Guides"-type site for ProcessWire, because man, that site really helped a few times when I was working with ModX.

    this is a great idea!

    Frank, I don't really know where modx is heading to. As for myself, having used Evo for more than 8 years, I was really pissed when Revo emerged.  Since then I permanently had bad feelings, when using Evo for a new projects. Development off add ons drop to close to nil. 

    Glad I found PW. Still in the process of getting used to it, but I'll eventually get the hang of it.

    Guess I will never go back to modx.

    • Like 1
  8. I try to add a callto: or tel: link with CKEditor, but it is being cleaned out each time I save the Page. Is there a way to have CKEdtior accept such links.

    I've tried with 

    a[tel:,callto:] and href[tel:,callto:] in extra Allowed Content but that does not work.

  9. Hi Diogo

    I admit, I'm a bid lost I've seen this before but somehow need some help. I lack on php.

    I was trying to get the pages like

    $entries = $pages->get('1049','1050'); 

    but I get an error "this page is not intended for direct access". Do I have to create a  field checkbox (show_links) and then get them like this

    $entries = $pages->get("/")->show_links;

    or can I get them somehow by id?

  10. Is it possible to use this in a Multi Language Site.

    Tried to use it, but in the menu title I get Array and in the outputs as well, it outputs Array, instead of the menu title. When changing language it buts.

    Thanks in advance.

  11. I have problems with VersionControl. We use VersionControl for Textfields which conflicts with VersionControl, well actually with PageSnapShot.

    VersionControl is not installed, but PageSnapShot still seems to be active. When I try to delete PageSnapShot I get a Server Error, when I try to delete VersionControl I get an error that VersionControl could not be deleted. When I refresh modules I get 

    •  Failed module dependency: PageSnapshot requires VersionControl

    So I am somehow in a trap. Is it possible to remove VersionControl and PageSnapShot manually?

    your help ids much appreciated.

  12. Hi all

    we've developed in a sub directory then moved the entire site to the root of the server. Today now I realized that all links of the modules still link to the sub directory.

    where can I change that path. In the DB in table caches are those path. Do I have to empty this table or can I simply delete all the files in assets>cache? 

    Your help is much appreciated.

  13. Hi all

    we like to to change the content of some fields inside a FieldtypeTextareas field per API for several pages. her an example for one page.

    // set language

    wire("user")->language = 1014;
    // read language
    $en = wire("languages")->get('en');

    // list all products form this template is ok
    foreach(wire('pages')->find("template=product,sort=prod_calc_capacity,include=hidden") as $p){

    // for one product
    if((string)$p == "1798"){
    // read value from multifield, is ok
    $fe = $p->prod_features_multi->prod_rating_operating_voltage;
    // output value, is ok
    echo "$fe<br />";
    // set new value, value not set and why? nok
    $p->setLanguageValue($en, 'prod_rating_operating_voltage', 'test');

    your help is much appreciated.

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