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Customizable SPA - Is ProcessWire the right approach?
Sebi replied to Red_nipon's topic in Getting Started
Hey @Red_nipon! Nice to have you here! Can you please explain this in more detail? What exactly do you want your client to be able to do? As I understand it, the customer gets a login from you for the ProcessWire admin interface and can then publish one or more SPAs there themselves with their own configuration. Then it would make sense to create a ProcessWire template for it with the configurable parts (fontcolor, dates, ...) as fields. If you or the customer then create a new page with this template in the pagetree, it can be called in the frontend. Of course you can also put a javascript file from a SPA into the corresponding template PHP file and just let PHP write the few configuration parameters into a <script> area, which the SPA then reads when loading. That would be the simplest way I can think of. This concept isn't strictly "headless" then, but it doesn't have to be, does it? Headless to me would be an approach where the ProcessWire resides somewhere else and completely independent of the frontend. I'm actually working on an SPA with Angular/Ionic right now as well. The javascript application is at a hoster under its own domain, the ProcessWire backend is somewhere else entirely. I really like ProcessWire and have already done a lot with it, so it was my first choice as headless CMS for my project. If there are better headless alternatives I can't tell you, only that it works well with ProcessWire. The SPA then constantly requests data (e.g. a configuration, the contents of lists, blog articles, users, ...). The AppApi module is very good to create a JSON api for this [Disclaimer: I am the author of this module :D]. But if you don't need such a constant data exchange, this concept is probably much too cumbersome... -
AppApiFile adds the /file endpoint to the AppApi routes definition. Makes it possible to query files via the api. This module relies on the base module AppApi, which must be installed before AppApiFile can do its work. Features You can access all files that are uploaded at any ProcessWire page. Call api/file/route/in/pagetree?file=test.jpg to access a page via its route in the page tree. Alternatively you can call api/file/4242?file=test.jpg (e.g.,) to access a page by its id. The module will make sure that the page is accessible by the active user. The GET-param "file" defines the basename of the file which you want to get. The following GET-params (optional) can be used to manipulate an image: width height maxwidth maxheight cropX cropY Use GET-Param format=base64 to receive the file in base64 format.
Great news! Version 1.2.0 is here! The changes in the code are actually not huge, but all the bigger are the additional possibilities we have now: With the new version, modules can register their own endpoints. These endpoints are then merged with the traditional definition in Routes.php. You may ask: But @Sebi, why are you so excited about this? Well. This means that endpoints can now be easily installed and updated. And we can now easily share our great and useful endpoints with the ProcessWire community! I'll get started then: My first AppApi module is AppApiFile. This module provides the /file endpoint for retrieving files uploaded to ProcessWire pages. I have extended the wiki with a small tutorial and sample code for creating an AppApi module: https://github.com/Sebiworld/AppApi/wiki/4.0:-AppApi-Modules I can't wait to see what you people will do with it! ?
Hey @androbey, I tried a few things and definitely found inconsistencies. It looks like spaces, but also other characters (e.g. "+") in the url path cause weird behavior. In any case, any GET parameters that might be appended then seem to be ignored. At /api/search/my%20test?test=1 I cannot find the GET parameter test in $_GET of PHP. I can't tell exactly where this behavior is coming from (FastRoute? PHP? Apache?), but it probably won't work to specify the search string as you intended. If you specify it as a GET parameter (/api/search?q=my%20test) instead, it works without problems. The corresponding route definition would look like this: 'search' => [ ['GET', '', Search::class, 'getSearchResults', ["auth" => true]], ],
Hi everyone! First, my two cents to @androbey: my first guess would be that maybe the spaces are not escaping correctly? Spaces in GET parameters need to be converted to %20. So "This is a test" becomes "q=this%20is%20a%20test" in the URL. Depending on the framework you use for your api request, this conversion may not happen automatically. In Javascript, for example, there is the encodeURIComponent() function that can do this conversion for you. In PHP there is the function urlencode() which does the same. Can you get further with it? Now to @Marcel: The message "no endpoint defined" already shows that the module was installed correctly. This message comes from the default route definition: ['*', '', AppApiHelper::class, 'noEndPoint', ['auth' => false]] And I can also tell you already that you are sending a valid api key along. Otherwise you would get an error message "Apikey not valid". Next, you can call /api/auth once. This request will return the current user. Without auth token this should be the guest user: { "id": 40, "name": "guest", "loggedIn": false } After that you can start implementing your own endpoints. Here in the wiki you can find everything you need to know: https://github.com/Sebiworld/AppApi/wiki/3.0:-Creating-Endpoints EDIT @Marcel: Sorry, I did not see you last comment. Routes.php does only influence your endpoints. The admin-page should be created automatically during installation and should be accessible in the "setup" header menu. I appended a screenshot from a German-translated backend. "Verwaltung" means "setup". Maybe you have to delete and re-install AppApi if the page was not created automatically...
Hey @Clément Lambelet ! Thank you for using AppApi and for mentioning the questions! I do not know a way to prevent ProcessWire to log the accesses starting with /404/. From a technical point of view, this is absolutely correct: to accept requests, the AppApi module hooks into ProcessWire's 404 handling. For example, you call the url /api/test, which does not exist in the ProcessWire page tree. So ProcessWire handles this as a 404 error, but the module intervenes and sends its own output, namely what is defined in your routes. However, when logging, the URL is still recognized as a 404. In the newer ProcessWire versions there is the possibility to handle requests programmatically without the detour via 404 pages, but because of the backward compatibility I haven't dared to do it yet. If someone already knows better about it: I would be very happy about pull requests or comments ? No, that is absolutely legitimate and not paranoid! My goal is to make the module as secure as possible, which means that login via api must not open a way to undermine any security mechanisms. Speaking of Session LoginThrottle: I tested it out - LoginThrottle seems to be called correctly on the AppApi login calls as well. For example, if I enter an incorrect password three times in quick succession, I get the following feedback, which comes from LoginThrottle: { "error": "Login not attempted due to overflow. Bitte warten Sie vor dem n\u00e4chsten Login-Versuch mindestens 5 Sekunden." } Do you have anything special set that is not being taken into account?
Hi everyone! @csaggo.com Sorry for the delay. I had some sick and stressful weeks, but I hope that it will become better now. I just released a new version 1.1.7 that fixes @csaggo.com's problem that he mentioned above. The module's /auth-endpoint does now accept the login-credentials in different formats. You can now send username and password in a JSON-formatted (or FORM-URL-Encoded or Multipart) POST-body. It is even possible to send the credentials as GET-params - although I would not recommend it. A short note to what went wrong in the previous versions: I myself forgot to use my own (extremely useful) parameter functionality, which extracts parameters from a wide variety of formats: public function ___doLogin($data) { // ... // The right way to get params: $username = $this->wire('sanitizer')->pageName($data->username); $pass = '' . $data->password; // Old code: // $username = wire('input')->post->pageName('username'); // $pass = wire('input')->post->string('password'); // ... Please use the $data-object that your api-functions will receive automatically - this process is more tolerant than Processwire's wire('input')->post when it comes to different body formattings.
Hey @csaggo.com, thank you very much for your input! This should not be a big problem, I will have a look at it in the next few days. I'll get back to you soon :-)
Version 1.1.6 is out! ? Changelog: Adds Router->registerErrorHandlers() Hook, that should allow you to overwrite the general error- and warning handlers of the module. That should fix the problem that @David Lumm mentioned above without breaking things for other users. Allows Apikey & Auth-token to be set as GET-params. That can be useful when it comes to loading images via api. Fixes a bug that made it possible to authenticate with the PHP session (cookie) even though token-auth was enabled. Adds Router->setCorsHeaders() Hook Updated Composer & Firebase dependencies
Hey@abmcr, I think that it is not a good idea to release all pages for cross-origin requests. But I have an alternative for you. You could also request the file via the api interface. Then the module would automatically set the CORS headers and the request would be a bit more secured by the apikey. You can take the following class: https://github.com/Sebiworld/musical-fabrik.de/blob/f172a9ef4674e09cabce1fdcf4e55ddeea150d1b/site/api/FileAccess.class.php It is in productive use in one of my projects. Copy the class into the directory where your Routes.php file is located (default is site/api/). Now you can add the following endpoints to your Routes-definition: <?php namespace ProcessWire; require_once wire('config')->paths->AppApi . 'vendor/autoload.php'; require_once wire('config')->paths->AppApi . 'classes/AppApiHelper.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/FileAccess.class.php'; $routes = [ 'file' => [ ['OPTIONS', '{id:\d+}', ['GET']], ['OPTIONS', '{path:.+}', ['GET']], ['OPTIONS', '', ['GET']], ['GET', '{id:\d+}', FileAccess::class, 'pageIDFileRequest'], ['GET', '{path:.+}', FileAccess::class, 'pagePathFileRequest'], ['GET', '', FileAccess::class, 'dashboardFileRequest'] ] ]; Full Routes.php for reference: https://github.com/Sebiworld/musical-fabrik.de/blob/f172a9ef4674e09cabce1fdcf4e55ddeea150d1b/site/api/Routes.php After these routes are integrated, you can call the new /api/file/ endpoint: const instance = axios.create({ baseURL: 'https://some-domain.com/api/', headers: { 'X-API-KEY': 'ThisIsYourCustomApiKey', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ...' // optional if authentication needed } }); instance.get('/file/1017', { file: 'gpx.gpx' }).then(function (response) { console.log(response); // This should be your file }).catch(function (error) { console.log(error.toJSON()); }); (Code not tested, only taken from Axios docs and changed to the correct parameters) I hope that I could help you with this! [And please don't worry about your English. Everything is understandable, and there are many non-native speakers here. You don't have to apologize for anything :-)]
Hey @Bacos, unfortunately I really don't have much experience with api requests from PHP. In my beautiful, carefree javascript world, the browser handles the session cookies, so I can log in normally via the ProcessWire backend, and then get the logged in user back in the frontend via a simple call to the /api/auth/ interface: fetch( '/api/auth/', { headers: { 'X-API-KEY': 'SHBaob3siaud8A' } }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => console.log("RESPONSE", response)); Postman also handles session cookies for you automatically, so you don't have to worry about it manually. I did a bit of research. If you want to make your API request in PHP, it seems you have to take care of the session cookies yourself. The answer under this stackoverflow post seems to be a usable example, but with a CURL request instead of stream_context_create, which is what you're using:https://stackoverflow.com/a/10307956/5477836 In short, you have to log in via a PHP request, and the session cookies are written to the specified file path. The next time you make a request, you can then reuse those cookies to authenticate yourself. (If anyone here knows better about this, please correct me). If I were in your place, I would probably try the Auth-Type Single JWT instead of the Auth-Type PHP-Session. The advantage here would be that you get back a login token (string) on the /api/auth/ request, which you could then send along as a header on the next requests. This seems easier to me than having to mess with a cookie file. But that's up to you to decide... I hope you get somewhere with this? Also feel free to let me know if you have something executable. Maybe this would be a good example for documentation!
Hi @Bacos, I have just tested it once through. At least it doesn't seem to be a general problem with AppApi's auth. In my Processwire test installation (running local with MAMP) I can protect a route with ['auth' => true]. It is then only accessible if I have logged in beforehand. In fact, there still seems to be a discrepancy, as I was also able to authenticate via the session with an apikey of type "Double JWT". But I will fix that soon. Unfortunately, I'm not really familiar with stream_context_create. My API requests are mostly made from a Javascript context. Is it possible that the session is not passed on correctly? Does the session or the cookies perhaps have to be specified as a parameter in stream_context_create?
Hey @David Lumm, thank you for your pull request! I'm still testing out a few things at the moment, but I wanted to report back briefly at least. I catch all exceptions and errors at the top of Router.php to handle them myself: set_error_handler("ProcessWire\Router::handleError"); set_exception_handler('ProcessWire\Router::handleException'); register_shutdown_function('ProcessWire\Router::handleFatalError'); My main goal was to prevent a plaintext or HTML error message from being displayed when an API function was requested. Instead, the message should be output as JSON. @David LummDo I understand your commit correctly, that you disable this behaviour for warnings and only log the warning additionally? My goal is actually only that no PHP echo is made with the warning. A PHP echo before a JSON response would render the whole response useless. Do any of you know how I can prevent this echo, but the warning is still treatable in the non-module code?
Hi @fliwire! Auth::getBearerToken() is a protected function. I do not exactly know how PHP handles that, but maybe that results into an empty string? You could copy the logic from Auth::getBearerToken() and Auth::getAuthorizationHeader() to try out if that is the issue. Additionally, hooking into Router::params could be a better place to add the logic since it is called later - after all auth-checks and just before Router::handle calls the targetted function.
@thomasaullThank you! You are right - AppApiModule->checkIfApiRequest() compares with the full path of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. Because of that, we must give the full path to the module-config, even if the ProcessWire root is in a subfolder. @Bacos: If you have only api instead of testeapi/api in your configuration, that would result in an 404 error!
Hi @Bacos, You're right: If the AppApi module had received the Api request correctly, even an incorrect request would be answered with an exception and a JSON response. You get a HTML-response, so the request is not received by the module. Let's see... You send your request to https://localhost/testeapi/api/test - so your processwire root is https://localhost/testeapi/, am I right? Can you please double-check if your module's config looks like this: Another reason for a 404 error could be that you have already created a page in the ProcessWire page tree that is accessible under the /api route. Since the module uses a hook on ProcessPageView::pageNotFound to intercept requests, there must not be a page serving the api route. I think that's all the approaches I can think of for now. Was there perhaps already something suitable ??
Absolutely! But I'm glad, that I could fix the old handler, so it will work regardless which ProcessWire version is used. I think it would make sense to additionally add the new hook functionality. It should grab the request before it triggers 404. But that is something that must be tested very carefully.
I do not use the pagination function, but I had similar issues with my AppApi module, that resulted in a 404 error in ProcessWire versions >= 1.0.173. So maybe it is related to it? The short version is: wire('input')->url no longer returns the requested url in the hook function I use, but only "/http404/" in the new ProcessWire versions. So in my module I now use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], which works. I couldn't find anything yet with a quick look in the MarkupPagerNav class, but maybe it will help you or @ryan to find a solution...
It is done. I have found the error. Version 1.1.5, which I just released, fixes the bug and makes AppApi fully compatible with ProcessWire versions >= 1.0.173 again. For those interested in the details: It was just a tiny little thing that caused the module to no longer be able to find out if an api url was requested. This is what the code for it looked like: protected function checkIfApiRequest() { $url = $this->sanitizer->url($this->input->url); // support / in endpoint url: $endpoint = str_replace('/', "\/", $this->endpoint); $regex = '/^\/' . $endpoint . '\/?.*/m'; preg_match($regex, $url, $matches); return !!$matches; } However, in ProcessWire versions >= 1.0.173, $this->input->url (or wire('input')->url) now no longer contains the requested URL (e.g. "/api/page/"), but already the URL of the 404 error page "/http404/". Thus, the module could no longer determine whether it should handle the request or not. But the solution to the problem was easier than I thought. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] still contains the correct value. So we use that now for this check. And because this would have worked before, we don't need to worry about AppApi not working with older ProcessWire versions now. The fixed version simply looks like this: protected function checkIfApiRequest() { $url = $this->sanitizer->url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // support / in endpoint url: $endpoint = str_replace('/', "\/", $this->endpoint); $regex = '/^\/' . $endpoint . '\/?.*/m'; preg_match($regex, $url, $matches); return !!$matches; } Finally, thank you again for your reports. And I hope that you can now run your apis with the latest ProcessWire versions again. Thank you for using AppApi! ?
Hi everyone! I did not have the time to look deep into it, but looks like version 3.0.173 has made some changes into the handling of hooks. Especially hooks for custom urls, like we do in AppApi. Previously we had to use a little workaround to get it done - we hook into 404 (site not found) exceptions and generate our own response, if the request was made for /api/... The new update seems to add a functionality, where our module can use an url, without doing the 404-hack. But the new functionality seems also to break some of the old functionality. ? So, please wait with the 3.0.173 upgrade! Thank you @csaggo.com and @psy for mentioning it. I will have time to look into it on the weekend - pull requests or hints are very welcome!
I released v1.1.4 of AppApi. The update fixes a critical bug that occurred when routes were called with GET parameters. (reported by @David Lumm, thanks for PR ?) Because I was already at it, I outsourced the reading of the current route (which is then further used by FastRoute) to its own hookable function `___getCurrentUrl()`. This allows you in special use cases to subsequently influence the URL with your own hook function.
@psy So, just to make sure, that everything works well on the PHP side: You can make a request via Postman to the same url that you are trying to access via Javascript? And you get back the expected JSON-data? Unfortunately, I don't know much about NextJS and React. I am actually an Angular or Vanilla Javascript developer. In an Angular environment I would use Angular's httpClient to make an api-call: const params = new HttpHeaders({ 'x-api-key': environment.api_key }); this.httpClient.get('https://my-test-domain.com/api/page/1042').subscribe( response => console.log("Api-Response: ", response) ); I assume that React has a similar helper class as well. This makes a call to the page-route in my router-definition, which you can see here: https://github.com/Sebiworld/musical-fabrik.de/blob/master/site/api/Routes.php . It will return the ajax-results for the ProcessWire page with id 1042 in this case. I prefer to use the httpClient (if available) instead of the fetch function, which you are using in your code-example above. Mainly because I found the fetch function very cumbersome to use when dealing with more complex parameter data. But for a vanilla-js project I needed to use it, so I wrote a helper class that is way more usable: https://github.com/Sebiworld/musical-fabrik.de/blob/master/site/templates/src/js/classes/AjaxCall.js Here is how you can make an api-call: const ajaxCall = new AjaxCall({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/page/1042', headers: { 'X-API-KEY': 'oiasnduz3498gfsubasd' } }); ajaxCall.fetch().then(function(response){ console.log('Api-response: ', response); }).catch(function(response){ console.log('Api-error: ', response); }); I hope that helps you out ?
Hi @psy, At first glance, I can't find any obvious error in your code. Can you please show me the server response you get for the "Invalid Json" errors? (You can see each request/response in your browser's developer-console in the network-tab. Feel free to DM me if you need support for that.) I would try to take out some complexity first and leave Twack out of the queries for now. It's best to set up a test route that only returns a simple response. Insert this to your Routes.php: 'v1' => [ 'test' => [ ['OPTIONS', '', ['GET']], ['GET', '', AppApiTest::class, 'test'] ] ], ] And create the AppApiTest-class: <?php namespace ProcessWire; class AppApiTest { public static function test($data) { return [ 'test' => true, 'success' => 'YEAH!' ]; } } No token-authentication needed. If you get this response back in Javascript, we can be sure that the basic api connection works.
I just released version 1.1.3 which resolves three issues that were reported recently: Fixes an issue with the constructor signature of the modules AppApiException class (by @David Lumm, thanks for PR ?) Fixes an issue with the error-handler, which made it mistakenly catch errors that should have been ignored via @ operator (Thanks to @eelkenet) Switched from `wire('input')->url` to `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']` for reading the base-url, because ProcessWire's internal function transferred everything to lowercase. (Thanks to Github-user @pauldro) Thank you all for your contributions!
Hi @thibaultvdb, thank you for reporting this issue! I'll be honest: In my Apis I actually always use arrays as return values, so I didn't notice this bug. With version 1.1.2, which I just released, you can use a stdclass again instead of an array as return value. I hope everything is running smoothly again with your Api? I would be very happy about a short feedback!