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Erik Richter

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Everything posted by Erik Richter

  1. Hey Robin! Just saw the answer - thank you! Just what I needed - perfect! Can you also point me to the right hook - after save or after field select-change of user, that fills a reference page on the "color" page with the user? Or just puts a checkbox ("linked to a user") to checked? Edit: Just noticed that this is not working with autocomplete, only with the regular select option. Also found the github thread regarding this issue - someone knows of any progress regarding "custom php code and autocomplete page reference"? Have a great weekend!
  2. Hey guys, this is my customized autoresponse (put into the template folder) if(!defined("PROCESSWIRE")) die(); ?><!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo $form->name; ?> auto-response</title> </head> <body> <p>Hello <?php echo $values['first_name']; ?> <?php echo $values['last_name']; ?></p> <p> Please activate your account here: <br> <?php echo $pages->get(11084)->httpUrl;?>confirm?token=<?php echo $values['confirmation_token']; ?></p> <p>Thank you</p> </body> </html> first_name, last_name and confirmation_token are the field names. Email is sent, but I get "Notice: Undefined variable: first_name in" and "Notice: Trying to get property 'value' of non-object" for each. So what is the correct way to get single field values out of the array? Looks like I am making a beginner mistake here.. Appreciate your help ?
  3. Hi everyone, I am trying to establish a one-to-one relationship (Modules like ConnectPageFields won't work due to circular errors). My idea is, just having a page select field (single) on the user template, where I can select a page with a specific template. When doing this for the next user, I want to make sure, that only those pages are availabe, which are not referenced from another user. Each page should only be selected once. This might be possible with a custom selector in Page Reference Field configuration, tho I don't know how. I am aware of the page->references() method, but how to I get "pages with a specific template, that have references=0" as options? Or do I have to build a hook? Thanks for help in advance!!
  4. Thanks! perfect timing.. are there any limits so? Gotta import like 100k rows. Do I need to split them in smaller chunks? Or can the module handle even larger files? Appreciated!
  5. Hey folks, If I search for a page that is unpublished it can not be found by using the ajax search in the right corner in admin. It can only be found when I am logged in as a Superuser, but not if I am logged in as an Editor (who has page-edit rights!). Searching through lister works - but only if I choose to only search unpublished pages; but not via the ajax search at all. I already looked at the process page search module file and there is a line that allows unpublished pages to be searched if someone has paeg-edit rights, but somehow it does not work at all. Can someone help? Thank you so much!
  6. I love the module, but it breaks the newest version of ProcessWire.. "Class cant be called again" or something. I guess its, because there is already a class called PageBookmarks integrated in ProcessWire (Bookmarks in the admin). You have a clue how to change this quickly? Would appreciate any help on this..!
  7. I also bought the ListerPro where i can export Pages. In the export files I can see fields like PageTitle.data which is for default language and Pagetitle.data1200 where 1200 is the ID of the second Language. How can I import them? Those fields are not selectable in CSV page import Any hack or simple modification to change this or how I can import multilanguage fields? Thanks so much!
  8. Hey folks, hope someone can help me out! I have a pages with the template movie. On each movie page we have a PageTable where we can add multiple new pages with the template screening under a hidden parent in the tree. The screenings have a unique screening Nr. as title and fields for date and time. I want to have a field for the screenings which is automatically filled with the movie name (page select or something) which it belongs to. Should be possible with a save hook or something, can somebody help me out with this? Thanks so much!
  9. any news on multilanguage field imports? would appreciate any help on this.
  10. Just had a look at this module and tried to make it work. The only thing I see is a submit button. If i click it a new page will be created or (if i uncommented that for edit) the given page will be edited (or u get redirected to the page 1015 for example). But there are no fields at all to change anything. What did I do wrong? Installed formhelper and this is my template: <?php // load FCM $fcm = $modules->get('FrontendContentManager'); // ADD a page to given parent with parent template //$output = $fcm->renderAdd($pages->get('1015')); // or EDIT given page $output = $fcm->renderEdit($pages->get('1015')); // echo jsConfig inside the html head element echo $fcm->JsConfig(); // outpunt needed scripts for inputfield modules, ... inside your html head element foreach ($config->styles as $file) { echo "<link type='text/css' href='$file' rel='stylesheet' />\n"; } foreach ($config->scripts as $file) { echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='$file'></script>\n"; } // echo $output inside your template / html body element echo $output; ?> As you can see, I am trying to edit the page number 1015, which has a different template only with title and textarea field. And I was expecting to see those fields on the edit page, with the template written above. Appreciate your help!
  11. Hey folks, does anybody have an idea how I can change field values after a set time via API? I know how to change values of fields, but have no idea how could create a automatic change. Example: I have a user created via Formbuilder or any other API method. This user has the Role Gold and after 30 days it should change to silver. Since Roles are just fields like any other field there must be a cool solution for this. Appreciate any ideas
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