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Everything posted by nbcommunication

  1. Hi @snck, This is definitely a bug. The quick solution would be to resize your image before calling render (e.g. $img->size(1600, 534)) but I've pushed a fix which should resolve this. Please download the latest version (1.0.5) and let me know if that hasn't fixed it for you. If not could you please let me know what the values for $img_tag_width and $img_tag_height are in the 'markup' option as I'll need this to debug further. Cheers, Chris
  2. Hi @Kiwi Chris, The admin needs the local copy, from what I can see it is mainly for the file size displayed beside the filename in the admin. I did look at hooking InputfieldFile::render() to replace this but I eventually decided that it made sense to keep the original file in place when uploaded, and if it didn't exist to download from the R2 copy. I was thinking here of worst case scenario where Cloudflare Images has a major service outage. In a multi-server environment I could perhaps query each server to see which has the most files and switch off the rest of the servers, and switch off the CF integration on the chosen server. That way a site could continue to function. A very unlikely situation but I'd like that option. What it doesn't do (or shouldn't do, haven't fully tested it yet) is create the size variation image locally. Calls to Pageimage::size() should just create a variant in Cloudflare Images if it doesn't already exist. Unfortunately there is a limit of 100 variants (which can be applied to every image upload, it isn't a limit of 100 actual images), which while sufficient for a single development, means that the service cannot be used for multiple sites, unless they are creating the same variants. I did expect to keep this and the other modules I posted at the start of the week internal as they are somewhat specific to our needs, but after consideration I figured it would make sense for them to get other eyes on them and some differing perspectives - if you do go down the route of Cloudflare Images with your own integration please use this work as reference and please do share any solution you reach! Cheers, Chris
  3. It didn't take long for the changes to the Images implementation - it turns out that image options are available for named variants, just not documented. The module now uses named variants instead of flexible variants. More notes etc to be added to the README in the next month or so.
  4. Hello, We've recently been researching how to use ProcessWire in a horizontal scaling environment (multiple server instances using a load balanced, read replica databases), and ran an experiment using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Getting read replica databases up and running was easy - it's built in to the core: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.175/#how-to-use-it-in-processwire Using multiple server instances throws up one big problem: how to keep the filesystem on multiple instances in sync given that ProcessWire doesn't currently support using an external service (like s3 or EFS) as the filesystem. The solution that we came up with is to use various Cloudflare services (R2, Stream, Images) to serve file assets, and we've built a module to facilitate this: We're not using this in production yet, but our tests on EB were successful, and we're confident this will solve the main part of this problem. However the Cloudflare Images service is still quite new and there's still features to be rolled out (e.g. webP for flexible variants) so it can't be considered a complete solution yet. Additionally, we use ProCache and this presents an additional multi-instance problem - if the cache is cleared on one, how can we clear it on all? Our solution is to log clears in the database and use this to sync up clearing. We built another module: Again this worked well in our test, but isn't yet being used in production. The main purpose of this thread, aside from sharing these potential solutions, is to ask for and discuss other experiences of hosting ProcessWire in a horizontal scaling environment. What solutions did you come up with (if you want to share them) and are there other potential issues we maybe haven't thought about? Cheers, Chris
  5. Extends Pagefile to use Cloudflare Images, Stream and R2 storage to serve files. https://github.com/nbcommunication/CloudflareAssets The main purpose of this module is to allow ProcessWire to be used in an auto-scaling multi-instance environment. By serving file assets from Cloudflare, it is not necessary to have all file assets copied to all instances and we also get the benefits of serving assets from a CDN. How it works When a Pagefile is added in the admin or via the API, it is uploaded to Cloudflare's R2 storage service. Additionally, if the file is an image, it is uploaded to Cloudflare Images, and if the file is a video it is uploaded to Cloudflare Stream. When a URL for the Pagefile is requested e.g. $pagefile->url(), the appropriate Cloudflare URL is returned. As ProcessWire's admin still requires the file to be available locally, in a multi-instance setup if a file is not available it is downloaded from the 'master' copy in R2. This module is not yet being used in production. There may be changes to how Images work in the coming months as features are still being rolled out to this Cloudflare service. Cheers, Chris
  6. Synchronises ProCache clearing across a multi-instance environment. https://github.com/nbcommunication/ProCacheSync The main purpose of this module is to allow ProCache to be used in an auto-scaling multi-instance environment. How it works When a page is saved and cache clearing is triggered, the page id(s) associated with that clear are saved to the database. ProCacheSync runs a check every minute via LazyCron to look for records in the database since ProCache was last cleared. If it finds any it processes them as ProCache would. Any records it finds will have been generated by a clear on another server instance, thus enabling multiple instances of ProCache to stay approximately synchronous. This module is not yet being used in production. Cheers, Chris
  7. Purge the StackPath CDN cache when ProCache clears. https://github.com/nbcommunication/ProCacheStackPath If you use StackPath's CDN to deliver your website, you need a way to clear its cache when ProCache clears. This module connects with your StackPath stack via the StackPath API and when ProCache clears it requests StackPath clear the cache, attempting to respect the specific rules (Parents, Family, Children etc) set up in ProCache. This module is being using in production but only for a couple of sites that just clear the whole cache when a page is saved. The implementation of the Parents / Family / Children rules haven't been fully tested, and it isn't clear from StackPath's documentation whether their 'recursive' option only works from the root URL or from internal pages too. Hopefully it does and I'll hopefully get it tested soon. Cheers, Chris
  8. Note to anyone using potentially using this module: A page-edit-redirects permission has been added to the core - https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commit/dafceffc6f5d2d10c395faa1586ef0993633e6de - and once this hits the master branch I intend to rework this module so that it provided a list of redirects in the system. As the permission can be added to any user role, management of those redirects will happen in the page editor instead of the 'cloned' redirects editor this module currently provides. Cheers, Chris
  9. Hi, I've been trying to get the active status of languages to update based on other info on the page, in this case I only want a language to be active if there is a file tagged with its name: <?php // admin.php $pages->addHook('saveReady', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments('page'); foreach($event->wire()->languages->findNonDefault() as $language) { $key = "status$language->id"; if($page->id) { $page->set($key, $page->resource->findTag($language->name)->count ? 1 : 0); } else { $page->setQuietly($key, 0); } } }); I've tried all sorts of approaches but nothing works. It seems as if there is a Page cache issue here. Tried $pages->uncache() but that didn't seem to work either... Anyway, I 'solved' it like so: <?php // admin.php $wire->addHook('InputfieldPageName::render', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->object->editPage; if($page && $page->id) { foreach($event->wire()->languages->findNonDefault() as $language) { $page->setQuietly("status$language->id", $page->resource->findTag($language->name)->count ? 1 : 0); } } }); It does require the user to then save the page, but it is definitely better than having all the languages active when I only need some. Hope this is useful... Cheers, Chris
  10. Hi @mel47, This module isn't built to handle art direction I'm afraid, it is to provide a srcset property to a single Pageimage. Art direction will likely require more than one Pageimage (as your example suggests) so this would need to be handled with your own code. However, the module should still be useful for your example; use ->srcset instead of ->url in the <source srcset> attribute. Cheers, Chris
  11. Almost every time. I think we're just a bit spoiled with the PW API, but it is always a bit of a shock to work with API data that needs to be wrestled into shape before we can do what we want to do. I'm not sure I could even wrestle it into shape if it wasn't for PW.... On the plus side, at least that API is documented and returning JSON 🙂
  12. Hi @DV-JF, Thanks but no need, I'm always glad to hear that the module is getting used! Cheers, Chris
  13. Hi @DV-JF, It happens because Instagram/Facebook invalidates the (authorised) access token if the user changes their password. I guess from the error message (Facebook has changed the session for security reasons) other security issues can lead to it happening too. It isn't in the scope of the module to notify admins, but it should be pretty easy to implement. Try something like: <?php $instagram = $modules->get('InstagramBasicDisplayApi'); $items = $instagram->getMedia(); if(!($items instanceof WireArray) || !$items->count) { $cache->getFor($instagram, 'errorNotifyAdmin', 'daily', function() use ($config, $instagram, $log, $mail) { return $mail->new() ->to($config->adminEmail) ->subject("$instagram error") ->bodyHTML('<p>' . implode('<br>', $log->getLines( $instagram->className(['lowercase' => true]), ['limit' => 10] )) . '</p>') ->send(); }); } This would send the admin an email every day if no media is being returned, with the email being the last 10 log messages. Cheers, Chris
  14. Hi @DV-JF, Ah yes, this is a total pain when this happens. We've had this happen on sites where we don't have much contact with the client, as since we need them to re-authorise, the feed is just lying empty. Anyway, going through the authorisation process again should fix this. Cheers, Chris
  15. Hi @DV-JF, Is there anything in Setup -> Logs? Cheers, Chris
  16. Hi @Stefanowitsch Yes, and the same focus point would be used. I think if you are looking for a different focus point / crop you might be better off trying to output the <picture> html manually. I see from the source code that the 2nd argument (options) is passed to the size() call. Might be worth trying adding 'cropping' to this - https://processwire.com/api/ref/pageimage/size/ - and see if it works! As for updating the image when the viewport shrinks... I've no idea I'm afraid. If the UIkit implementation can do this - that is it doesn't use the largest image loaded but always the one specified by sizes - you'd need to ask their devs if it isn't working. Actually come to think of it, why not render two images and use uk-hidden@s and uk-visible@s classes to toggle between them? Cheers, Chris
  17. Hi @Stefanowitsch, Try: <?php $img = $image->render([ 'srcset' => [ 'rules' => '320x569, 640x1138, 768x1365, 1024, 1366, 1600, 1920', // first three rules here are for portrait images 'options' => [ 'upscaling' => true, 'hidpi' => true, ], ], 'sizes' => '(orientation: portrait) and (max-width: 640px) 50vw', ]); This is adapted from an example in the README which itself was adapted from an implementation in PageimageSrcset - I can't remember exactly how this works but I have used it in the past for portrait images on mobile. Cheers, Chris
  18. Hi @Stefanowitsch, A different variation of the Pageimage, or a totally different Pageimage? Cheers, Chris
  19. Hi @Stefanowitsch, I've used this UIkit implementation in a few recent projects, I wrote up how I did it here: Hope that helps! Cheers, Chris
  20. Hi @snck, Thanks for the feedback and the great example! Unfortunately the issue you've raised is more of an issue with how Pageimage::render() is implemented. Adding 'width' or 'height' options is interpreted as a request to resize the Pageimage, which is not what we want in PageimageSource::render(). The default markup does not include width and height attributes, so the only way to add them without resizing the image is to provide them in a specified markup string. I have a hook in an internal development module which sets a default markup string with these attributes: <?php // Pageimage:render $this->addHookBefore('Pageimage::render', function(HookEvent $event) { $markup = $event->arguments(0); $options = $event->arguments(1); if(!is_string($markup)) { $options = $markup; $markup = '<img src="{url}" alt="{alt}" width="{width}" height="{height}">'; } $event->arguments(0, $markup); $event->arguments(1, $options); }); This means I can generally call render() without any options. If your example is something you are doing repeatedly, you could utilise a similar strategy in site/ready.php: <?php // /site/ready.php $wire->addHookBefore('Pageimage::render', function(HookEvent $event) { $markup = $event->arguments(0); $options = $event->arguments(1); if(!is_string($markup)) $options = $markup; if($options['masonry'] ?? false) { // a custom option $img = $event->object; $thumb = $img->width(480); $markup = "<img src='$thumb->url' alt='{alt}' class='{class}' width='$thumb->width' height='$thumb->height'>"; $options = array_merge([ 'picture' => true, 'srcset' => [360, 480, 640, 800], 'sizes' => '(max-width: 579px) calc(100vw - (2 * 34px)), (min-width: 580px) and (max-width: 767px) calc(50vw - (1.5 * 34px)), (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1199px) calc(33.3333vw - (1.33 * 34px)), (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1499px) calc(25vw - (1.25 * 34px)), (min-width: 1500px) calc(20vw - (1.2 * 34px))', 'class' => 'teaser-img proportional', 'alt' => $img->description, ], $options); } $event->arguments(0, $markup); $event->arguments(1, $options); }); // In your code $img->render([ 'masonry' => true, 'class' => 'overriding-the-default-class', 'alt' => __('Overriding the default alt text'), ]); // Not tested!!! Cheers, Chris
  21. Hi @bernhard, Honestly, I find the way in which browsers actually implement srcset and sizes to be really confusing. In the previous PageimageSrcset I included a bit of javascript for debugging, as I found it was sometime difficult to even tell which image was being used (if they were just different width variations). What complicates debugging is that the browser will use the largest image it has in the cache, so if you've loaded the page at desktop width and then try to see how it'll respond at a smaller screen size, it will still display the larger image. What happens if you add 1280 2x into the set? Cheers, Chris
  22. No, it would terminate at 4096. Because this width is greater than the original, it won't generate a variation and it'll output the original as the source for 4096w. It then wouldn't make sense to output the original as the source for 2048w as it has already been used. This makes more sense in the smallest to largest context: 256 - variation generated 512 - variation generated 1024 - variation generated 2048 - width > than original, original used 4096 - set not output as original already used for 2048w. I hope that makes sense. Cheers, Chris
  23. Hi @uiui, I've added in this option and released v1.0.4. From the README: Use for all dimensions? If enabled, a set rule will be used regardless of whether it is wider or higher than the dimensions of the original image. To use this on a srcset call, enable the allSets option: $srcset = $image->srcset('4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256', [ 'allSets' => true, ]); // If passing an image 2000px in width, the above would return a srcset with set rules for each given width // Without 'allSets' enabled, the srcset generation would terminate at 4096w I hope that is useful! Cheers, Chris
  24. Hi @uiui, Variations are only generated and used for sizes smaller than the original. When it reaches a dimension where the image does not need to be resized, it 'completes' the generation process. Running your examples on an image 2048px wide gives me: /site/assets/files/1033/very_large_array_clouds.webp 4096w/site/assets/files/1033/very_large_array_clouds.1920x0-srcset.webp 1920w, /site/assets/files/1033/very_large_array_clouds.1600x0-srcset.webp 1600w, /site/assets/files/1033/very_large_array_clouds.1280x0-srcset.webp 1280w, /site/assets/files/1033/very_large_array_clouds.980x0-srcset.webp 980w, /site/assets/files/1033/very_large_array_clouds.480x0-srcset.webp 480w, /site/assets/files/1033/very_large_array_clouds.webp 4096w This is definitely a quirk of the module's implementation that I hadn't considered - all the srcset examples I referred to during development had the sources ordered smallest to largest - and I don't think it is something I can sort in the default implementation. Perhaps I could add an option to disable the automatic completion e.g. 'Generate variations for all srcset dimensions?' Would this be useful for you? Cheers, Chris
  25. We really like the ability to add redirects via the page editor, but it is annoying that this functionality is only available to superusers. We often have clients asking us to add a 'short url' redirect for a page (e.g. /jobs -> /about/work/jobs) when it really is something they should be able to do themselves. To solve this problem, we've created ProcessPageRedirects. It does two things: Creates a page (Pages > Redirects) which lists all the visible pages to that user and the number of redirects (among other things) Allows them to manage the redirects for pages they can edit The redirects editor is the same one the superuser gets when editing the page. I hope this is useful, let me know here if you come across any issues with it.
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