I found out that the modue is not set to singular in the module header:
static public function getModuleInfo() {
return array(
'title' => 'Page Image Manipulator',
'version' => 14,
'summary' => 'This module provide basic Imagemanipulations for Pageimages and Imagefiles',
'author' => 'horst',
'href' => 'http://mods.pw/5E',
'singular' => false,
'autoload' => true
But because of this init gets called again and again:
public function init() {
$this->addHook('Pageimage::pimLoad', $this, 'getPageImageManipulator');
$this->addHook('Pageimage::isVariation', $this, 'HookIsVariationPim');
Funny enough it gets called with every call to a "pimLoad" initiated by a hook. Thus the hooks mulitply causing the module to crash (timeout exceeded) after 7 to 10 images beeing processed in a row within a single page.
I set the module to singular and everything seems to work fine.