Hello everyone, I need to rewrite entire application and I want to choose PW for speed reason and logic. I love the roles/permissions system and relationships in db, but now the question..
My app is based on users roles, foreach user role I need to write a big form (around 30fields)->store in database->edit and show the form. Simple crud system in frontend.
I can not find a guide to do this, I would use as much as possible the PW's API can you give me some advice?
edit: this module works fine! http://modules.processwire.com/modules/form-template-processor/ @ryan with the upload fields the page say "The page must be saved"
my code in my template is:
$form = $modules->get('FormTemplateProcessor');
$form->template = $templates->get('my_template');
$form->requiredFields = array('field1', 'field2', 'field3');
$form->parent = $page;
echo $form->render();
Thank you all guys!