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Everything posted by kathep

  1. @BernhardB Oh wow, I did not know about $maxlevel. Thank you! I am very happy to try out this code and see how it works. That makes three solutions I have to try now! Feeling lucky to be part of such a helpful dev community.
  2. @Macrura Ah, ok! Thank you! I will test out the code and post here how I get on.
  3. Hi @Macrura, @Mr-Fan, and @sephiroth No. I only want descendants of the current page, for two levels that fit within certain criteria. I have managed to specify the criteria, but not the two levels down. Perhaps this will make it clearer: Rootparent: Teach Parent: All things media: design *calls list of assignments two child levels down* Child Level 1: Assessments Child Level 2: ***The only assignments I want to show up in the document 'All things media: design'*** Also on child level 2: Archive Child level 3: All things media design (archive 2015 Spring) Child level 4: Assessments *calls list of assignments two child levels down* Child level 5: ***The only assignments I want to show up in the document 'All things media: design (archive)'*** @Sephiroth I want to specify the number of child levels down. My understanding of 'limit' is that it limits the number of results returned, not the number of child levels. Please let me know if there is another way to use 'limit' that I'm unaware of! Thank you! BUT... page-id is not good, because the template would only work for one page. Eventually I will have 50 archived courses in the 'archive' folder, and the 'course.php' in each archive needs to refer only to the immediate two child levels of that course. What is unique: The combination of course title (field: course_title_from_list) and semester (field: course_semester_current) will be unique for every instance. Is it possible to write in PW/PHP something like 'find the id of the child page of this page called assessments, then get all the immediate children of that page only'?
  4. @Macrura Thank you for the corrections to my bad code. I don't think either has_parent or $page->children($selector) would work in my use case, as the current course page and the archived course page have the same structure and templates. For example, calling everything with a parent of 'assessment' would give me the exact same problem as my original code snippet. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
  5. Hi all I have a folder tree like this: I have set up the main page (template: course.php; title: All Things Media: Design) to show a list of assignments. I want the output to look like this: However, I have a problem. When I do this: $assignments_find = $pages->find("template=quiz|challenge|assignment, course_name_from_list.title=$page->title, sort=assignment_due_date"); Every page with these templates (quiz, challenge, or assignment) is returned, including the archived assignments - not what I want! I want every page using the course.php template to be able to call only the templates that are children in the first two levels below this instance of course.php. Does anyone know if this is possible? I can't see a way from the documentation to use 'child' as a selector, so I'm at a loss. I currently have this hacky workaround: $assignments_find = $pages->find("parent=/teach/108/assessment/, course_name_from_list.title=$page->title, sort=assignment_due_date");But obviously this only works for one page using course.php. I'll need a better solution to accommodate my archived files and other courses I'm currently teaching. Any ideas? If you could get me a little closer to figuring this out, please let me know! Website link, in case it helps.
  6. @Macrura and @tpr Thank you! @tpr Yes, my categories are unique, so this could work. I'll give it a try. Hmm, good solution. I might know enough javascript to get it to work. I'll post my progress (wiil take me a while)
  7. @tpr The scenario I'm trying to work out currently has 140 entries, but that will increase to around 600 or so I expect. BUT there is another scenario I would like to use filters for, and that will only have about 30-50 entries. Another thing for me to investigate: filter classes. I have not heard of them before. I currently have all the classes created that I would want to filter by - are filter classes an extra field I would have to relate to the existing classes? Thanks, @tpr!
  8. @Macrura that link looks like it could be good. Ideally only the search filters would show on my page (no table display before form is posted) initially, then on hitting 'search', the pages matching search criteria would appear in a nice table. What I want to do is pretty much identical to the front end filter on Ryan's skyscrapers profile. I will mess around with jQuery DataTables, custom select fields, and Chosen Select, as you suggest. Thanks again!
  9. I would like this too! I am trying to build a front end filter. I just bought the Form Builder for this purpose, but so far I have not found out how to make the form search for pages in my site, and output those that fit the criteria in the search form, like Lister does. If you can point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful!
  10. @BernhardB Did you have any success experimenting with a simple archive module? I am a teacher, and I am looking for a way to archive a course from last semester, so there is a copy for reference, while being able to change the pages slightly for next semester. I want to be able to make a copy of the tree below (and including) 'All Things Media: Design', and move it to 'Past Courses', but still keep the original where it is, so I can change it for the upcoming semester. I am ashamed to say I only know basic php :\ @LostKobrakai To use the code you mentioned, would I need to create a new template? UPDATE: Resolved I found the Page Clone module in Modules > Core > Process and just needed to install it. It comes packaged with PW. It is pictured above. This was so easy! I hope this post helps another noob
  11. @Horst, that's a nice clean one. For Leah's I stripped out most of the fancy things, and ended up with some thing pretty similar to Peter's (final product).
  12. I know about Reveal @Nico. Lea's solution works better for me. What can I say, I'm a css purist!
  13. Hey all I make a lot of HTML/CSS presentations (currently using an adapted version of this). I'm using Emmet to lazily write html tags, but I want to raise/lower (?) the lazy bar. In my mission to make my process as lazy as possible, I plan to build a PW template to help me construct future HTML presentations. I wonder if this would be helpful to others. Would anyone else be interested in HTML-based presentations as a PW module?
  14. Great video @dazzyweb! Thanks for sharing. I think me, you and the guy on the video are on the same page regarding frameworks. I LOVE semantic best practise, but speed wins.
  15. Ah, thanks Manlio. I look forward to hearing your report! @diogo, I heard it was all five spice girls together...
  16. @manilo, yes, me too! i'm interested to hear you found Pinegrow good to use. Perhaps I will test it out some day. BTW, my name is Katherine
  17. I understand your point, and I understand that you don't see a point to visual rules in frameworks. That doesn't mean that there isn't a point though. There are standard principles of color use, color combinations, contrast, typography, font matching, spacing, and composition that, when incorporated into frameworks, can save the discerning designer a lot of time and effort. It's ok that individuals may not value these things, but there are a lot of people who do. I do agree with you that frameworks are not plug-and-play in terms of 'look and feel' - but then they are not meant to be. It's fine with me if there is a visual style in place that I change for every site. *slaps forehead* Oh, I see! Yes, agreed. These tools are really better for people with good front end coding knowledge to start with.
  18. @adrian Why, thank you. And it's Katherine, not Kathy Yeah, let's talk.
  19. @LostKobrakai Ever heard of Aesthetic Usability Effect, Scanning, or Visual Hierarchy? 'Look and feel' is central to usability. They cannot be separated in practice (although people do it in theory all the time). @Joss when you put it like that, I bow to your superior laziness.
  20. I disagree. You can DEFINITELY framework some parts of design. Good usability doesn't mean everything has to look the same.
  21. @everyone wow, there are some great js resources listed here so far. Thanks for the tips. I am off to check them all out as soon as I finish this post. @Sephiroth Full disclosure... I have been hand coding html and css for over a decade (yes, css2 was terrible - moving on...). I know what I'm doing with them. The advice to learn HTML is noted, but not relevant in my case. I know my way around js better than php, but that is not saying much I can make js work, but I can't hand code it. I'm not looking at these tools as a way to get around poor coding knowledge. I'm looking for lazy tools. I love coding, but its not part of my main job, so I don't work on sites regularly (except my PW one, because it turns out I've become obsessed), and I don't remember every little trick I did last time to get everything to work together super smoothly. The main things I like about these kinds of software and frameworks is: 1. They handle browser compatibility & responsiveness issues for me - excellent for lazy coders 2. Default templates on the good ones (Foundation & Blocs) incorporate a bunch of UX recommendations by default, meaning that you have to actively go out of your way to create a website that is hard to use. I value UX standards, but I don't have anywhere near the amount of time I would need to honor them in every hand coded site. Another win for lazy. 3. All the js works together all the time without me thinking about it. 4. Speed of prototyping. Some of the things I hate about them relate to the things I love: 1. Ugly, ugly, div-riddled code. 2. Overkill on the js - all the frameworks include at least one script that I cannot imagine anyone using well. What I like about the Blocs proposal is: 1. Fast prototyping 2. Not ridiculous code - therefore I can easily and painlessly work with it after prototyping 3. Extra hard to make something unusable - this software is made by a guy who is VERY into UX standards. And I like that. He is into them so I don't have to be @Joss, I like your system, but I'm kind of disappointed. From your excellent lazy field suggestions, I was hoping you would have tracked down some really lazy, perfect front end system. It sounds like you have.... but you had to build it yourself! Not my idea of true lazy @renobird I'm with you. I like to peruse the new offerings - sometimes you find a gem.
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