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Everything posted by sandimilohanic

  1. Hi All, Does anyone know how to implement (configure dashboard chart panel) the chart.js bar like the picture below ? Thanks a lot! I need to show in chart this data, example for one month. Car1 TotalDrove: 5 SuccesDrove: 3 UnsuccessDrove: 2 Car2 TotalDrove: 10 SuccesDrove: 8 UnsuccessDrove: 2
  2. Hi All, I'm using FormBuilder Pro. Can I set an administrator email to be set dynamically from a page field? I want to set up an email on a page, and if there is, take it as an administrator email. I tried to add a hook, but it's not working... Thanks all. $forms->addHookBefore('FormBuilderProcessor::renderReady', function($e) { $processor = $e->object; // FormBuilderProcessor instance $form = $e->arguments(0); // retrieve argument by number (zero based) $form = $e->arguments('form'); // OR retrieve argument by name $processor->emailTo = $e->wire('page')->admin_email; });
  3. Hi @adrian - big thanks for the reply and direction for further development.
  4. Hi everyone. I have a need for a specific user to add rights to multiple branches (below in the picture with the user selected two branches: branch1, branch2). Is this possible, and what is the best way to do it, and does the current modules need to be modified a lot?
  5. In administration, inside the WirePdf configuration, when I set Mode: "s" then I get a an exception: mPDF Error - cannot find TTF TrueType font file - /.../site/templates/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf": invalid checksum 26f399eb8 table: FFTM (expected 6f399eb8) Can i help me why there is a exception?
  6. Greeting, I need help to use a font 'dejavusans'? I have problems with the display Croatian letters š, đ, č, ć, ž. I use $pdf = $modules->get('WirePDF'); but I can not set the font 'dejavusans' <?php $pdf = $modules->get('WirePDF'); $mpdf = $pdf->mpdf; $pdfPath = $config->paths->files . $page->id . "/" . $page->title.'.pdf'; $stylesheet = file_get_contents($config->paths->templates.'/pages2pdf/styles.css'); $wireSendOptions = array('exit' => false, 'forceDownload' => false, 'downloadFilename' => ''); $mpdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet,1); $html = ""; $html .= "<html lang='hr'><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /></head><body>"; $html .= '<table border=0>'; $html .= 'text example š đ č ć ž'; $html .= "</body></html>"; $mpdf->WriteHTML($html); $mpdf->Output($pdfPath, 'F'); wireSendFile($pdfPath, $wireSendOptions ); ?>
  7. I have had problems with pw version 2.5.3. When i editing a home page I got an error 404. The problem was because to the homepage i had field types Repeater. When I removed the field Repeater from homepage everything worked ok.
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