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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Thanks for your detailed answer, diogo. I mainly wrote functions for each content section organized in an external php-file for each template. I then call the required function within the respective template location. There might be a couple of hardcoded titles and headings, but the majority of content is dynamic.
  2. I built a ProcessWire website with the beginner's profile a couple of months ago. At that point a multi-language version was not required. Client requirements changed and they now want to retrofit the running site with all content to support multiple languages. We are talking about 17 existing pages. What would be the best way to handle this?
  3. @Beluga I like the approach of discussing and agreeing project requirements with your client and then recommending a suitable platform and selling a solution instead of disqualifying WordPress immediately. Hitting directly on WP is probably the wrong approach, especially for clients who only know WP and have no technical experience.
  4. Despite praising the flexibility and advantages of using ProcessWire as a CMS, I am currently loosing a lot of business, because clients insist on using WordPress, which we all know is a pain to go back to if you once enjoyed the clean API of PW. Many times I get the impression that people don't buy what they don't know. How do you go about this? Do you simply give in and implement it in WordPress? I think it would really help if the official ProcessWire site had an attractive landing page that explains the advantages of using ProcessWire for non-technical users. Probably without bashing WordPress, but making a strong point...
  5. Thanks Christophe. Will have a look at those links. However, this project caught my interest and I would like to get my hands dirty, ideally with PW...
  6. I see more and more small businesses in my region focusing completely on Facebook and Twitter, but that depends always on individual budgets. Overall, there is a lot of competition out there in the form of drag-and-drop website builders, WordPress templates etc and not every business will value a custom-made website. In the end of the day, running a web-related business is 50% sales. You need to be able to sell and market your skills to potential clients. In this respect, larger agencies have more resources and account managers, which will aggressively sell their solutions. While larger corporations will many times prefer an agency, small- and medium-sized companies often like the flexibility and responsiveness of individual freelancers. It really depends on the target clients you want to focus on and the related budgets you realistically can achieve.
  7. I was approached by a client with a project for a relatively simple niche job board with the following requirements: - Website lists job posts in different categories. - Companies can register their profile for a closed "members only" area (which should not be the CMS back-end). - Within this members-area, the company can create a new job post for a small payment (Paypal or Credit Card). - Once the payment has been made succesfully, and the job post as been reviewed by the site's administrator, the job can be released / published by the admin. Now, the client wants to use Drupal due to the strong user role and permission system and the availability of e-commerce modules. I know my ways around in Drupal as a site-builder, but front-end styling with Drupal's markup can be really a pain. You just don't have the same flexibility like with ProcessWire, where you can use a custom front-end without problems. The only hesitation I am having is the membership area, where job posters can sign up and also the payment for each post, which I have never implemented with ProcessWire. My idea is to build a functional prototype as a "proof of concept" to convince the client that PW can do this in an elegant and secure way. Would appreciate your advice on the technical feasibility.
  8. @adrian The site I am working on runs on ProcessWire 2.6.1. The DynamicRoles module sounds a bit like trouble like Soma states in this epic comment :
  9. I created a user role with limited access for specific pages in order to avoid accidental page deletions. I need to fine-tune this a bit further: For specific pages I need the title of the page to be non-editable. What is the easiest way to achieve this? I just found the PageEditFieldPermission module (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-edit-field-permission/), which I haven't tested yet. Correct me if I am wrong, but scanning through the documentaton, it looks like you would have to manually reset all permissions for every single field on the particular page for that role:
  10. @Raymond thanks for your quick response. So I created a JS-file, which I called "ProcessPageEdit.daterange.validate.js" and placed it in the "AdminCustomFiles" folder that was created by the module. Looking at the source code, the js.file appears in the back-end and validation also seems to work.
  11. Unfortuantely, I was not able to find an answer to this particular question in the board. For an event calendar, I am trying to create a date range. As, to my knowledge, ProcessWire does not provide a dedicated range field for dates, I am using a Datetime field for the start date and one for the end date for each event: schedule_date_start schedule_date_end Now, I want to make sure that once a start date has been selected, the end date should be chronologically situated after the start date (not before), which should be logical. How can I implement such a validation for the user?
  12. @Pete I appreciate your comment and will also consider diogo's solution, which makes sense if the pointing domain contains XXX content. The domain owner has still not reacted, which makes me think this has been done on purpose. GoDaddy also refuses any responsibility. Overall, not an ideal situation.
  13. Thanks Ryan. I used your snippet to redirect all incoming traffic from potentially misleading domains, which works. Might be possible that this is an error, however, I contacted the domain-owner who is not responding, which is strange. I was thinking that the whole domain might have been kidnapped and the owner does not know about it. In any case, it is the responsibility of the domain registrar to investigate this further. Thanks to everyone for the comments. Again, ProcessWire stands out when it comes to community support.
  14. @LostKobrakai nslookup returns the exact IP for both domains, i.e. this domain seems to just point to the website. @OrganizedFellow No iframe involved. It is the exact same content. @Peter Knight The original website is from a graphic designer. The hijacking domain seems to be unrelated. Some sort of theater or show from Canada. Neither the domain owner nor GoDaddy's abuse service are reacting. Is there anything I can do about this?
  15. I just changed some content on the original site and the changes also appear on the other domain, i.e. the domain just seems to point to the site. Could I redirect incoming traffic from this specific domain (both www and non-www) with .htaccess? Or what would you do? I am just asking myself why you would redirect to another domain like that? Earn domain authority with someone's content? The original content is the personal portfolio of a graphic designer, so there is really not much commercial value...
  16. A couple of months ago I created a portfolio website with ProcessWire for a client of mine. For both server and CMS I used strong passwords and the usual security measures. My client contacted me now that an exact, dynamic copy of the website was created on another domain. I already filed a complaint with the respective Domain registrar (GoDaddy) and also notified Google via the DMCA procedure. The violating domain uses the same IP like the VPS of my client. The question is now how this could have happened. I know that there are tools like HTTrack on Kali Linux, which would to my knowledge require access to the MySQL database to create an exact copy. As you don't easily hack a secured Linux server, this makes me think that the intrusion must come from inside the hosting company; i.e. a system administrator accessed the VPS. Would appreciate your advice.
  17. Thanks for your responses. So what is the better approach: Install the multi-language template and replace the whole /site/template folder with the beginner's profile OR Install the beginner's profile and manually enable / install the multi-language modules?
  18. I am just trying ProcessWire's multi-language capabilities for the first time and installed the multi-language profile that comes with the installer. Out-of-the-box the multi-language profile seems to use the delayed output method, called intermediate profile. As I am used to the beginner's profile (direct output) and I usually work on the front-end, I was wondering if it is possible to use the beginner's profile with the multi-language options? Would appreciate your input.
  19. Thanks for your quick response. It is a normal PW page that is hidden, which holds a series of text fields for telephone, email, social media accounts etc. However, there is one field (textarea), which holds the google analytics tracking code of the page (<script> ... </script>), which triggered the alarm. Moving the script part out of the variable and just using the tracking ID solved the problem. Thanks
  20. I have a site that I just moved to a live server and it basically works. I can edit all pages, add content and upload images with the superuser account, except for 1 page: When I try to edit a hidden page (global-settings.php) that holds some global values that are used throughout the page, and I want to save the changes, I am redirected to a 403 - forbidden page: "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /processwire/page/edit/ on this server" On localhost I had no problems to edit the page, so I don't assume this a role permission problem as I am using the superuser-account. Any idea what could be wrong? ---- EDIT: I have no idea why this was posted twice...
  21. To fine-tune user-access and administration rights, I created a new access role "author", which should give the role owner the right to only delete child pages under "Research", "News" and "Videos" (no other pages) and move child pages under "Research" and "Videos" only. The other pages need to remain editable, but I want to avoid that the user accidentally deletes the main listing pages. Now I already assigned, the respective permissions page-delete, page-edit, page-move, page-sort, page-review to "author", which logically allows you to delete and move any page globally. Is there a way to restrict "delete"- and "move"-permissions to the mentioned pages? I found the access-control for each template. However, this only gives the options to "view pages", "edit pages", "create pages" and "add children." The site has the following structure: Home - Page X - Page Y - Research - child page 1 - child page 2 - child page 3 - Page Z - News - child page 1 - child page 2 - child page 3 - Videos - child page 1 - child page 2 - child page 3 Appreciate your advice.
  22. Working in the global namespace ( wire('page') ), I am trying to get the URL to the template directory to set the path for an image: http://localhost/project/site/templates/images/loading-animation.gif On a normal page, this would usually work with $out .="<img src='{$config->urls->templates}images/loading-animation.gif' alt='Loading Animation'>"; In this case it does not: "$config->urls->templates" does not return anything and the full path of the particular page is loaded: http://localhost/project/videos/page-title/images/loading-animation.gif Would appreciate your guidance.
  23. Is there a way to exclude specific hidden pages from being excluded; i.e. include them in the sitemap?
  24. @pwired I spent a moment with the latest version of OpenCart last night and had a look at the source code, which looked a bit chaotic at some places (partly uncommented, dense code etc.). Nothing comparable to ProcessWire. Will check out as well. The Foxycart idea is great as well, where you can simply take your custom markup and integrate it with a working e-commerce solution (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhb5CbEHt1E). However, a dedicted e-commerce module in ProcessWire like Padloper would be ideal for not having to leave the eco-system.
  25. @pwired: I would be interested as well why you recommend Opencart instead of latest version 2. @Macrura: Padloper looks promising and I am sure this could be a great success as a commercial module if it integrates out-of-the-box with ProcessWire. Will have a look at FoxyCart as well. @diogo: Will have a look at Schema. Your posts seem to confirm that there is no optimal approach yet, how to integrate e-commerce with Processwire, which is a shame as I think it is a great platform, which should definitely have a professional e-commerce integration.
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