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Posts posted by Dean

  1. Thanks @Jan Romero, I decided to abandon the LoginRegsiter module as I needed to send emails when people logged in and other stuff and I thought it would be easier to start from scratch rather than try to amend something I hadn't written.

    After reading lots of other forum posts, my code has changed to this now:

    if($input->post->hunt_name) {
    	// sanitize input field values
    	$user = $sanitizer->userName($input->post->hunt_name);
    	$email = $sanitizer->email($input->post->email_address);
    	$password = $input->post->password;
    	// create user
    	$registerUser = createUser($user, $email, $password);
    	$registerUser->member_hunt_name = $hunt_name;
    	$registerUser->member_hunt_contact_name = $contactname;
    	$registerUser->member_hunt_position = $position;
    	$registerUser->member_hunt_address = $address;
    	$registerUser->member_hunt_postcode = $postcode;
    	$registerUser->member_hunt_telephone = $telephone;
    	$registerUser->member_hunt_country = $country;			
    	// save
    function createUser($user, $email, $password) {
    		// create user
    		$u = new User();
    		// set template and parent
    		$u->template = $templates->get("user-hunt");
    		$u->parent = $pages->get("/members/hunts/");
    		// set name
    		$u->name = $user;
    		// set email
    		$u->email = $email;
    		//set password
    		$u->pass = $password;
    		// assign role
    		// save new member
    		return $u;

    This is creating a page in /members as 0.78273300-1590946171. ?

  2. I've realised the issue is that when the user page is created, if I filled out the form as dave@gmail.com, the page is create as dave-gmail.com. And so I need to log in as dave-gmail.com, not dave@gmail.com.

    So I'm guessing I need to set the user page title as the person's name when I'm creating it? Let me know what you think @Jan Romero ?

  3. After setting up a new user template using this guide: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/#multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users, the pages are created fine but I can't log in as the newly created user.

    I did notice that my new template doesn't have a 'name' field like the users in admin/access/users. Is this the field that is checked when logging in? Here is my code that I am using to create the page when someone registers:

    $np = new Page(); // create new page object
    $np->template = $templates->get("user-hunt"); 
    $np->parent = $pages->get("/members/");
    // Match up the sanitized inputs we just got with the template fields
    $np->name = $hunt_name;
    $np->title = $hunt_name;
    $np->member_hunt_name = $hunt_name;
    $np->member_hunt_contact_name = $contactname;
    $np->member_hunt_position = $position;
    $np->member_hunt_address = $address;
    $np->member_hunt_postcode = $postcode;
    $np->member_hunt_telephone = $telephone;
    $np->member_hunt_country = $country;
    $np->email = $email_address;
    $np->pass = $password;
    // Save the page

    Also, when it creates the page, it's putting the title as the created date/time for some reason. ?

  4. Sorry, one last question. How can I now create my new user with the new template and new parent? It doesn't seem to like this:

    wire()->addHookBefore('LoginRegister::createdUser', function($event) {
    	$u = $event->arguments[0];
    	$u->parent = 1083; // set new parent


  5. Thank you so much @elabx and @flydev ??. I thought that was it, that I wasn't passing the variable into the function.

    However, it is now somehow giving the user the default value returned from getRole(), rather than the value it should give. And yet, if I echo the value returned from getRole() before and after executing loginRegister, it is correct! ?

    $myRole = getRole($input->post('register_member_role'));
    echo $input->post('register_member_role').' gives '.$myRole; // value is correct here
    wire()->addHookBefore('LoginRegister::createdUser', function($event) use($myRole) {
    	$u = $event->arguments[0]; 
    echo $loginRegister->execute();
    die($myRole); // value is correct here


  6. I don't seem to be able to add a role to a user when they register.

    I have a function to return the role as text based on the option that was chosen on the register form. I have checked that this function is returning the correct value by echoing it to the page. If I pass that text into the addRole function (as $myRole) it doesn't work. If I hard code the exact same text into addRole it does work.

    Do I need to change my getRole function to return the text in a different format?

    function getRole($role) {
    	// return name of role based on id from register_member_role
    	switch ($role) {
    		case 1:
    			return "type1";
    		case 2:
    			return "type2";
    		case 3:
    			return "type3";
    			return "type1";
    $loginRegister = $modules->get('LoginRegister');
    $myRole = getRole($input->post('register_member_role'));
    wire()->addHookBefore('LoginRegister::createdUser', function($event) {
    	$u = $event->arguments[0]; 
    echo $loginRegister->execute();


  7. Hi

    I'm creating a site where people can vote on dogs.

    To start with, I need the dog owners to register and then upload text, images, and videos about their dog. What I thought I could do is to create a page when the user registers. The page would be unique by using the member ID. So I would end up with:

         - Members

    Then each member page would have 1 or more children which would be the dogs that they have added.

    I just wanted to ask if that is a good way of doing things or if there's maybe a much simpler way of doing this.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  8. Dear ProcessWire community

    Before I jump right into this new project of mine and then realise it's not going to work, I'd be very grateful if I could get some advice on the best way to achieve this.

    My client wants people to be able to pay a small amount when registering to become a member. To help with this I have just bought Ryan's FormBuilder with Stripe payments module.

    We then need the member to be able to log in and upload a few images (which I'll make a gallery out of) and possibly a short video.

    What I'm hoping to do then is to create a user/role which will allow the member to log in to ProcessWire and have access to just a certain area to allow them to upload their content.

    So I wanted to ask if that is a) possible, and b) the best way to go about it.

    I have used ProcessWire before, but it was a few years ago so any help and advice anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Hi, I currently have this code:

    $navigation = $page->rootParent->navigation


    if(count($navigation) > 0)


    foreach($navigation as $p)


    $children = $p->children;


    if(count($children) > 0)


    // accordion header




    // simple link





    for outputting my navigation links, which works fine. But, for one section (news), I don't want the subpages (articles) to appear in the navigation. I have edited the code so that

    if(count($children) > 0)


    if(count($children) > 0 && $p->title != 'News')

    so that news articles are excluded. But I think this is not a good way to do it. Can anyone share the normal/best way to exclude pages like this?

  10. Craig, thanks for this. I think I understand what you mean, but would this only allow me to add one 'other' link to my page? Or I am not getting it?

    Ideally, I would need to be able to have a menu like:

    <child page of this section>

    <child page of this section>

    <link to another page in the site>

    <child page of this section>

    <link to another page in the site>

    <child page of this section>

  11. Hi all

    I have successfully built my very first navigation menu. It works by looping through the pages within a section and echoing the page title and url. The problem is, sometimes I will need a navigation link to take me to a page within a different section to the current one, and I have no idea how I could achieve this. Has anyone ever had to do this themselves, or have an idea how it could be achieved?

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