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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. Hi Guys, I have a $field->type instanceof FieldtypePage . I want to know the template of the FieldtypePage . I have tried $template = $this->pages->get($field->parent_id)->template; I am getting a different template than the one I really need. $fieldpage = new Page(); // $fieldpage->template = $name; // Is there something like without assigning template name I can save a page ? // $fieldpage->template_id = $template_id $fieldpage->title = 'title'; $fieldpage->body = 'body'; $fieldpage->parent_id = $field->parent_id; $fieldpage->save();
  2. RT @Stof70: @harikt $composer->getPackage() gives you the root package. To get the installed package, you need to access $event->getOperati…

  3. RT @revathskumar: Wrote a blog post on my flash talk on MariaJS and @Yeoman in @keralajs - http://t.co/vGjijzZ0KV

  4. RT @CalEvans: NOW! RT @taylorotwell: We’re broadcasting LIVE (video) in 15ish minutes: http://t.co/kZT4gNxz3v

  5. Hi, I have send a PR to https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessExportProfile/pull/3 . If you have a private repo or you find a repo which has no composer.json , you can send a PR. And for the current time you can do like below { "minimum-stability": "dev", "repositories": [ { "type": "package", "package": { "name": "ryancramerdesign/process-export-profile", "version": "1.0.0", "source": { "url": "https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessExportProfile", "type": "git", "reference": "master" }, "type": "pw-module", "require": { "hari/pw-module": "dev-master" } } } ], "require": { "ryancramerdesign/process-export-profile": "1.0.0" } } and now you need composer.phar . Hope you have downloaded composer else please get from http://getcomposer.org/download/ and run php composer.phar update It will install the ProcessExportProfile module in site/modules/ProcessExportProfile . When you created a patch for the module, you can change the settings in composer.json , so you get that patch also until Ryan merged it or can switch between branches. See http://getcomposer.org/doc/05-repositories.md#loading-a-package-from-a-vcs-repository Thank you.
  6. RT @planetphp: A Peek At Aura v2 — Aura.Router - Paul M. Jones http://t.co/H7fGAMNlrx

  7. RT @pmjones: blog: A Peek At Aura v2 -- Aura.Router http://t.co/jNaZgThF7S

  8. RT @jacques_thekit: #nashville developers. Come share a holiday drink with all the user group. http://t.co/yiP5Do5J8B

  9. RT @shochdoerfer: Today 10 years ago we founded #bitExpert. So happy to see what we have a achieved so far. So proud of our team. Thank you…

  10. RT @dilbert4life: @Crell I should have been there, but spent it with the family instead. My wife says I made the right choice. :D

  11. RT @beausimensen: “Document all of your code. No exceptions. Actually, document your Exceptions, too.” More or less what @Crell just droppe…

  12. @pwired I am seeing better use for composer. May be it is different for different people. As a person who have been using composer for quite some time, I like the idea, and how it works! .
  13. Composer support for ProcessWire modules http://t.co/Dt8uWMvabS /cc @processwire . Thank you @auraphp

  14. Hi guys, so I am a huge fan of composer. PW is missing one of the good parts of composer. So here is a new installer to install the modules of PW via composer. If you have created a module for PW, what you need to do is add a composer.json file in your github repo and add it to packagist. An example composer.json is { "name": "vendor/package-name", "type": "pw-module", "description": "Your module what it does", "keywords": [ "keywords", "comma", "seprated"], "homepage": "https://github.com/harikt/Assets", "license": "BSD-2-Clause", "authors": [ { "name": "Assets Contributors", "homepage": "https://github.com/harikt/Assets/contributors" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "hari/pw-module": "dev-master" } } Note the minimum requirement is PHP 5.3 for composer is 5.3 . An example of a module that works with this is https://github.com/harikt/Assets ( Move the index.php to any where ) You are welcome to read the post at http://harikt.com/blog/2013/11/08/assets-for-processwire/ Installing modules How do you install the PW modules and the 3rd party dependencies ? Assuming you are in the PW folder. First download composer from http://getcomposer.org/download/. Hope you have composer.phar now. php composer.phar require vendor/package-name Will install if the vendor/package-name is of type "pw-module" and you have added the "hari/pw-module" in require section. { "name": "vendor/package-name", // more stuffs "type": "pw-module", "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "hari/pw-module": "dev-master" } } to `site/modules/PackageName` . php composer.phar require hari/assets Try the above and see where it is installed. Please add a composer.json if you are a module maintainer, for there is more things we can do with composer .
  15. Hi guys, I am really new to here and I would have missed many posts. I have read there is a thought to look at composer and also switching to PDO . I am happy to help in the PW development. But I am not sure where we are at present. I would like to add a module so people can still install in site/modules folder. Though in composer world people don't like that, let me know how you are going to download the modules ? Is it inside `vendor` or is it inside `site/modules` as the current PW is doing ? I am happy to contribute a module for PW to support composer usage. ( Happy to hear your thoughts for if you already started then I don't need to re-invent anything here ) If composer a small recommendation about the PDO and usage : I have a bit of background in aura, so you should really have a look at https://github.com/auraphp/Aura.Sql/tree/develop-2 . The ExtendedPdo is lazy loaded https://github.com/auraphp/Aura.Sql/tree/develop-2#lazy-connection . Also the IN ( usage is also simple https://github.com/auraphp/Aura.Sql/tree/develop-2#array-quoting
  16. RT @ircmaxell: I'm going on tour in December! Dec 10th at Dallas PHP, and Dec 11th at Columbus PHP! I look forward to seeing you there!

  17. RT @jclermont: @zinyando @harikt We are also very helpful on IRC. I am using the components (not framework yet) and I really like it.

  18. RT @ZendCon_Europe: Thank you. For this very first ZendCon Europe, we will be ~460 people. This is a massive success and will be a memorabl…

  19. RT @AmyStephen: "I like @auraphp, it's worth checking out." In discussion of reducing/eliminating dependencies." @funkatron @nomadphp

  20. RT @php_osx: PHP 5.5.6 for all platforms released.

  21. RT @Ocramius: Looks like @zend has been baking something: http://t.co/4VKZfNSEPQ

  22. @mindplay.dk Thank you for the comments. Is your module available some where, so I can have a look ? I noticed one gist. Or is there something else ?
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