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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. "do one thing, do it well, move on" via @pmjones in @auraphp irc :-)

  2. Gearman receive data of processed task http://t.co/0DaVdCBcgF , need some help #gearman #php

  3. RT @RemiCollet: #PHP 5.4.23 and 5.5.7 are released, RPM available in #fedora and #remirepo http://t.co/OC6olHa4cW

  4. RT @fideloper: @jeffrey_way silex + composer packages combo (the 'no heavy framework' idea), and auraphp from @pmjones

  5. RT @symfonycon: #SymfonyCon Warsaw 2013 just started with @fabpot Keynote! Ready for 2 awesome days of conferences? #Symfony http://t.co/aX…

  6. Fatal error: Class 'Phar' not found https://t.co/o2co1FfAFN by @openshift

  7. RT @Crell: @stauffermatt @AmyStephen Everyone needs to be reading @ircmaxell 's blog. I occasionally have stuff I think is good, at least. …

  8. Looking at a #simplepie patch https://t.co/j3HhRhBmzV sitting for years .... 3 years... :(

  9. RT @shameerc: @pmjones You are a really good storyteller too :)

  10. oh @pmjones you were the lead. Nice to know /cc @lsmith

  11. RT @pmjones: Book Announcement: Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP http://t.co/aGdZqXSsWC

  12. RT @NikhilKuruvilla: Keeping Parts of Your Codebase Private on GitHub http://t.co/kSDZu2aNqW

  13. RT @revathskumar: @shameerc @mahasooq @harikt @noufalibrahim seems like we have sth like kozhi-coders ;) inspired by kasar-coders.

  14. RT @beausimensen: Bummed with having to use @Mail_Gun to relay email for my @Rackspace cloud server. Shut off my mail over 24 hours ago; no…

  15. RT @webadvent: Looking for Web Advent 2013? We’re taking the year off. Merry Christmas, and see you next year! http://t.co/wu5De6v6C2

  16. RT @igorwhiletrue: @julienPauli @Tyr43l any news regarding use-function?

  17. First PR by @dshafik to @auraphp merged by @pmjones . Virtual Beer to all ;-)

  18. Create a RESTful API with Apigility http://t.co/6rKVnYr8ux via @techportal

  19. How to Make a Computer Operating System in C++ https://t.co/NiNXPrID3n

  20. RT @jeremeamia: "PSR-4: Autoloader" has been voted in by php-fig. Give it a read: https://t.co/LCoLSOq995. #php

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