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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. RT @pmjones: Using "Common Table Expressions" (CTEs) in SQL to improve performance http://t.co/79e3jso9NJ -- very interesting

  2. I have been trying to re-invent a wheel for quite sometime. It never happened to be a wheel which I was looking for.

  3. thumbnail,75,75 fullwidth,770,430 halfwidth,360,200 thirdwidth,240,180 quarterwidth,180,160 Yes after the images being uploaded. UPDATE : Yes. The thumb size have been changed. After that it caused it started the trouble. After removing a few images / changing the size of images the site is working as normal. Also the server have been upgraded so I doubt saying the same config , for both are different. Thank you.
  4. Hi @horst , Thank you for the reply. The page have 3 text blocks, 5 image blocks, 1 video block, and 40 Images . Size of image varies from few 100 Kb to ~900 kb. CropImage Input field in backend and uploading. 40 40 On editing via the super admin the site is slower and getting error execution timeout. No. Hope that helps Thanks!
  5. I am wondering how does the cache works. When logged in as admin, and trying to edit a page which have lots of images, PW thows an error `Imagesizer Maximum Execution Time` . The first one to see is https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7160-imagesizer-maximum-execution-time/ / Wondering whether it is making use of the cache or it always loads even if the cache is there for the user is admin ? Thank you.
  6. RT @dragonmantank: @harikt @getsculpin @nomadphp Yes! ~10 minutes of Sculpin goodness!

  7. Fabien talks about how phpcs fixer came http://t.co/KoyCcJMAIq . But I wonder whether it was released when fig officially passed PSR-1,2? :)

  8. If you are not using https://t.co/8ad9nljgaI in your framework you will be missing the sauce. Good work by @vlucas .

  9. RT @meHrishi: ROFL RT @_youhadonejob: I think I'll use someone else. http://t.co/xkhjm4lv0q

  10. RT @grmpyprogrammer: “…with each other, and you will make mistakes, and you will fail, and you will learn, and you will get better.” (3/3)

  11. RT @sprunka: So... #phpworld blog post #1 is up: http://t.co/xGwYnf6PNw LIkely to be followed by more posts one specific topics...maybe. or…

  12. It is interesting to see https://t.co/wbDfyzMXjx moving to 180 stars :-) ... Probably the first one to reach 200 soon. #auraphp .

  13. RT @_rjm_: CakePHP 3.0.0 + Phinx. Happy to announce this! http://t.co/b0SosEkY50 #phinx #cakephp #php

  14. RT @taylorotwell: Long term prediction: remote working will begin to fall out of favor as mental issues of working in isolation take their …

  15. By the way @koriym Ray.Di no longer uses Aura.Di ?

  16. RT @reinink: The PHP Package Checklist (http://t.co/yjf47HRAOB) is meant to double as a report tool. Click to toggle an item, then copy the…

  17. RT @pmjones: @jose_zap Next minor release will have "enable/disable" but leave enabled by default; the one after that will disable by defau…

  18. RT @ralphschindler: @pmjones it’s only been a week and yet you’ve managed to step into the light so soon, congrats.

  19. I am not talking just Guzzle, but for any library it seems to be the version appended in namespace will help a lot. Eg Aura\Di1, Aura\Di2

  20. Thanks @TrueNorthPHP . I hope we can see some @auraphp talks in future / cc @zinyando . By the way what is CH ?

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