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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. RT @robertbasic: @EvanDotPro mocking hard dependencies? I just wrote about it yesterday :)http://t.co/AhQM2ZyUxQ

  2. An Offer of Help - cogent free knowledge http://t.co/5E8z8H4hd9 via @jclermont . Awesome!

  3. It was one of my dump mistake @SniNNuT . I missed to write `<script>` tags . Thank you for reaching to help me.
  4. Hi @Soma, if I am adding a hook on a field and returning some html the values are escaped. Is there a way to turn off the escape functionality ?
  5. RT @Bipartisanism: #EricGarner Reminder: White cop IMMEDIATELY FIRED after photos show him choking white student http://t.co/Gu0VwqkBxA htt…

  6. RT @taylorotwell: Kinda neat material design CSS framework: http://t.co/zigmixe2bz

  7. We are adopting a library. Not re-inventing anything is a nice marketing technique. You don't want to mention how old the library is ;-) .

  8. RT @ircmaxell: Blog: A Point On MVC And Architecture http://t.co/DDynAKlkSK

  9. RT @seldaek: If you'd like to try: use `composer update --dry-run --profile` before *and* after a `composer self-update`. Report any issues…

  10. NIH : When I / my friend develop it is not NIH. When you push it is is NIH. Looking at some ordinary package.

  11. Thank you @guilhermeblanco . Not sure how puppet makes it that easy. Qn:isn't that server's full performance not utilized when running on VM

  12. RT @s_bergmann: The shutdown of http://t.co/16JW9lopfR is only one month away. Have you migrated your PHPUnit installation yet? https://t.c…

  13. Pear may have died due to the way it interacts to bug reporting. Hard time and I skipped to report it.

  14. AngularJS, (almost) a year later, at a PHP conference http://t.co/qjxxA00fuW

  15. . @RelianceMobile compare your price http://t.co/HLihPJBovU with http://t.co/SpvvVGl11N . Considering to switch to GSM looking at price.

  16. @Soma got a few other tips from the code. Thank you.
  17. Trend is oauth2 server implementations https://t.co/TEaT3nlOXn , https://t.co/gHk5pQGMuH , and the oldest https://t.co/4ewAMzkI0L more? #php

  18. RT @jeffrey_way: Just in case you didn't see it earlier today, Laracasts subscriptions are 40% off for two days only. http://t.co/niysXU5OUB

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