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Everything posted by statestreet

  1. I wonder how many yet-unseen effects that tweet from Smashing Magazine a couple of weeks ago will have. All it takes is a few people to see the the proposition ("A CMS that works like jQuery for content? Interesting..."), make the connection ("This looks like I could use it!"), and then it becomes the foundation for a project that might launch a couple of months later. Those people end up happy with how it worked out, they recommend ProcessWire to others, and then you have viral marketing. That was me a few weeks ago; I was trying to figure out what to use for my new music project site (designer-developer-musician here), I saw the SmashingMag tweet, and now I'm on track to launch the PW-powered site with my new album next week.
  2. Is it safe to edit the admin page under its page settings, and rename it from /processwire/ to something less findable? When I go live, I want everyone to know the great CMS I used, but just for a tiny bit of extra security, I'd rather the url to the login page be something people can't guess.
  3. Ah, that was it. I added a php.ini to the ProcessWire root with 'allow_url_fopen = true;' and it's working great now. Thanks for the help, and thanks for putting the module on GitHub!
  4. Ryan, I'm trying to use your minimalist Twitter module (Apeisa's looks great but has more features than I need) and for some reason can't get my feed to load. Any idea what I might be doing wrong here? This is what I have in the template file: $t = new MarkupTwitterFeed(); echo $t->render("http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/14601766.rss"); And this is what it renders: MarkupTwitterFeed: Unable to load http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/14601766.rss The link resolves when I paste it into my browser, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  5. Yeah, I'm not super concerned about deep indexing, as this won't be a huge site (and has an unusual enough name that the coming-soon page is already #3 on Google). It's the kind of site I would have built in Flash a few years ago, so I'm already a step ahead. That said, I wonder if there's a way to get search engines to index the naked AJAX content pages, and then have those redirect to the main page + appropriate anchor when they click through. Also, I just wanted to say thanks for making ProcessWire! It's quickly becoming my favorite CMS.
  6. Just thought I'd share how I'm doing an all-AJAX site in ProcessWire: For all I know, this may actually be a bad idea, but so far it seems to be working. I'm rendering my nav with anchor tags for hrefs, and storing the actual source URI in an HTML5 arbitrary element attribute. When the user clicks, the browser just takes it as a normal anchor, but the JavaScript pulls the actual source URI out of the link's arbitrary attribute into a jQuery .get() and displays it in the DOM. The advantage is that since this is an AJAX-only site, the user doesn't see the actual path to the content (in the status bar or browser tooltip), which could confuse them (if they were to open it in a new tab, they'd just see unformatted text).
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