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Everything posted by fatih

  1. Thank you Soma, Horst. Sorry, I can select only one post as "mark solved".
  2. Hello, When I click header links of forum topics in mobile version, I am transferred to last post of each forum topic. However, when I do the same in desktop forum version, I am always transferred to the first post and then I try to find the last post Is it possible to reach last posts when I click forum topic headers in desktop version? Thanks.
  3. Hi, I get this screen during language translation. Is it normal? Thanks.
  4. Hi everyone, I solved my problem. In fact, I discovered that there was no installation problem as Dups said. ProcessWire is being installed perfectly with correct file&folder permissions. However, I realized that I was pushing new changes without a clean after-installation pull This was ruining everything. Now I have another problem. I cannot pull the remote after-installation PW files to local. I tried 'git clone ssh://....@....git/' or ''git pull ssh://....@....git/' but no success. However, I can see remote file changes via sftp. Do you have any idea? Thanks.
  5. @Dups, I solved the problem. I should have changed "site-default" folder name as "site". In fact, PW is programmed to change "site-default" folder name, update config file and create new folders under site/assets during installation. However, Openshift does not give read&write permissions by default. They need to be defined via scripts in .openshift/action_hooks/ . for example, this line should be added to .openshift/action_hooks/build : chmod -R 0777 ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}php/ (777 at least during installation) However, I couldn't succeed after many trials. Do you have any experience about these scripts? ps: Although PW seems to be installed and functioning perfectly at first, I start to get errors after starting to install new modules.
  6. Thank you Pete for warning, I've just deleted this installation.
  7. Hi Dups, This my config file db settings: <Removed by Pete> Also, these are my all setting parameters. Since this installation is tentative, you can connect and edit the files. <Removed by Pete>
  8. Thank you for your replies, I learned many things from these tutorials. I received this error after PW installation. Error: Exception: DB connect error 2005 - Unknown MySQL server host 'Config' (1) (in /var/lib/openshift/51d44a53e0b8cd3e1d0000d3/app-root/runtime/repo/php/wire/core/ProcessWire.php line 96) This error message was shown because /install.php still exists. Error has been logged. Remote config file remained unchanged during installation! To solve this error, I followed steps below after installation: - deleted local install.php file and site-default/install folder - updated local config file with new mysql connection & userAuthSalt parameters - git add . - git commit -a -m 'Delete Setup Files & Update Config File' - git push - checked remote config file. it has correct db parameters. However, I still get DB connect error 2005 - Unknown MySQL server host 'Config' error. Do you have any idea? Did you get any missing db config error after your installations?
  9. Hi Dups, Thanks for detailed tutorial. Could you also show how to delete initial ProcessWire install files/folder? Also, please show a sample push request.
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