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Dups Rin

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  1. @fatih Nope, I did not have to modify action_hooks or rename site-default. I think it will not work properly if you add modules to site/modules/ on a scaleable PHP gear. Use the non scaleable PHP gear instead.
  2. @fatih I think you're using a scaleable PHP gear because the OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST is a hostname rather than an IP address. I tried setting up a scaleable PHP gear following the same instructions as above: Its running here http://pw1-pwtest.rhcloud.com Applications that store files on the filesystem aren't scaleable on OpenShift because there isn't a shared filesystem for all instances. I think you'll face problems if you upload files to site/templates for example. Have not seen the error msg you posted, but have seen a different error msg when installing with the OpenShift environment variable, OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST rather than an IP address or hostname..
  3. @fatih I'm not sure you should delete the install.php and site-default folder. Can you show the settings from your site/config.php file? $config->dbHost = ''; $config->dbName = ''; $config->dbUser = ''; $config->dbPass = ''; $config->dbPort = ''; Nope, I did not get a DB connect error after installing..
  4. thanks @fatih its not really necessary to delete the initial ProcessWire folder as long as the files are copied to the php/ directory in your local repository before the push. A successful push request will look like this: You might need to set your sessionFingerprint to false too if ProcessWire keeps logging you out of the system. More info here: #10
  5. Guide to installing ProcessWire on the OpenShift PaaS. Create an account at http://www.openshift.com.'>http://www.openshift.com. Next, select Create Application at the top of the screen and PHP 5.3. Once that is done, add a MySQL 5.1 cartridge to the PHP application. You'll get the following info from creating the PHP app and MySQL cartridge. Setup local Git repository Clone the application's Git repository to your local machine with following command. git clone ssh://51d12b59500446e0df000118@processwire-example.rhcloud.com/~/git/processwire.git/ Fetch the ProcessWire source and code and add them to the php on the local repository with these commands cd processwire git clone https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire'>https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire mv ProcessWire/* php/ mv php/htaccess.txt php/.htaccess rm -rf ProcessWire Push to the Openshift server Commit and push to the Openshift server with following commands: git add . git commit -m 'Setup ProcessWire' git push Complete the ProcessWire setup Acesss and complete the ProcessWire setup at your application's URL: http://processwire-example.rhcloud.com Use the IP address for the MySQL DB, in this case, instead of the environment variable, $OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST
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