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  1. That did the trick! Forgot about having to use wire('pages') in functions. Thank you so much for your time.
  2. Hmmmm, tried changing it to the following $selector = "template={$page->children->first()->template->name}, limit=24, " . trim($selector, ", "); but now I get the error "Undefined variable: page" on the same line. Any ideas? Thanks for your patience :).
  3. Thanks for helping me! I tried changing the follwoing line: $selector = "template=car, limit=24, " . trim($selector, ", "); to $selector = $page->children->first()->template->name . trim($selector, ", "); but that returns error "Undefined variable" for that specific line. When I echo the "$page->children->first()->template->name" I get the correct template though so I guess I'm missing something.
  4. Hi, Sorry in advance for a long post and the lack of knowledge :), but I was wondering how I would go about to modify the scyscraper profile to be used for several different "objects". Right now I have the following tree structure and templates: - Cars (basic-page.php) - New cars (cars.php) - BMW M3 (car.php) - BMW M5 - BMW M7 - Used cars - Volvo S60 - Volvo S90 - Volvo XC90 - Motorcycles (basic-page.php) - New motorcycles (motorcycles.php) - List of new motorcycles (motorcycle.php) - Used motorcycles - List of used motorcycles To render new cars I have the following functions (based off of the Scyscraper profile): function findCars($selector) { $validSorts = getValidSorts(); $sort = sanitizer('name', input()->get('sort')); if(!$sort || !isset($validSorts[$sort])) $sort = 'name'; if($sort != 'name') input()->whitelist('sort', $sort); $selector = "template=car, limit=24, " . trim($selector, ", "); if(strpos($selector, "~=") === false) $selector .= ", sort=$sort"; $cars = pages($selector); return $cars; } function renderCarList(PageArray $cars, $showPagination = true) { $pagination = ''; $sortSelect = ''; $items = array(); if($showPagination && $cars->count()) { $pagination = renderPagination($cars); $sortSelect = renderCarListSort(); } foreach($cars as $car) { $items[] = renderCarListItem($car); } $selector = (string) $cars->getSelectors(); if($selector) $selector = makePrettySelector($selector); $out = files()->render('./includes/car-list.php', array( 'cars' => $cars, 'items' => $items, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'sortSelect' => $sortSelect, 'selector' => $selector )); return $out; } function renderCarListItem(Page $car) { $images = $car->get('images'); if(count($images)) { $thumb = $images->first()->width(200); $img = $thumb->url; } $car->set('unknown', '--'); $out = files()->render('./includes/car-list-item.php', array( 'car' => $car, 'url' => $car->url, 'img' => $img, 'title' => $car->title, 'price' => number_format($car->price, 0, ' ', ' '), 'price_monthly' => number_format($car->price_monthly, 0, ' ', ' '), 'year' => $car->get('year|unknown')->title, 'milage' => $car->get('milage|unknown'), 'fueling' => $car->get('fueling|unknown')->title, 'gearbox' => $car->get('gearbox|unknown')->title )); return $out; } To render the cars I have the following on cars.php: region('main', files()->render('./includes/hero.php') . renderCarsList(findCars('')) ); This works fine, but it seems very redundant to make new functions for every type of vehicle when the listing pages of the vehicles looks almost exactly the same. What I would like to do is change the above functions to be something like findVehicles, renderVehicleList and renderVehicleListItem. I was wondering if this is possible to accomplish by simply changing the $selector from using template=car to instead somehow get the current page childrens template. So on the cars page the selector template becomes car, on motorcycles page the selector becomes motorcycle etc. I tried fiddling around with $page->child->template but can't get it to work. Maybe I should change strategy altogether? Any advice or suggestions will be much appreciated.
  5. I would also like to know if its possible to load images with this module?
  6. Hi, and thank you for this module! I've been trying get the feature/devns branch to work with PW 3.0.14 but ran into a problem. I try to render the form as below: 82 <?php echo $modules->get('SimpleContactForm')->render(); ?> and the form shows up but with the following message: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /site/templates/_main.php on line 82 If I fill in the form and press send I get a "Your contact request has been send successfully!" message, and when I check the Simplecontactform-log it has a success entry. It seems like it's working so why do I get the error message on line 82? Thanks in advance!
  7. Yes, forgot to say that the number_format is working also .
  8. Wow, what a great community! I'm embarrassing to say that Adrian was spot on when he asked if the field had a label defined . The products has 25+ custom fields and I labeled all but, of course, the price field. $product->fields->product_price->label did work so thank you all for helping me!
  9. Hi Adrian and thank you for your quick reply! I tried the above but it just output a colon, so I guess I'm must be doing something wrong somewhere. Cant figure out what though since images and everything else works as it should.
  10. Hi, Just discovered Processwire and instantely got a new favorite CMS. Finally something that doesn't feel so bloated like some others. Anyway, I started working on a little product showcase and have a question about field labels and how to output them. Is there a way to get a certain field label so that I (in the example below) can replace "Price:" with something like {$product->product_price->label}? Also, could I use number_format directly on {$product->product_price}, or do I have to make a variable like so: $nf_price = number_format($product->product_price, 0, ' ', ' '); <?php function productList(){ $products = wire("pages")->find("parent=/products/"); $out =" "; foreach($products as $product){ $out .="<article class='six columns'>"; $out .="<img src='{$product->images->first()->url}'>"; $out .="<a href='{$product->url}'><h1>{$product->title}</h1>"; $out .="<span>Price: </span><span>{$product->product_price}</span>"; $out .="<span>Stock: </span><span>{$product->product_stock}</span>"; $out .="</article>"; } echo $out; } ?> Enough with dumb questions for now, but be prepared for a lot more in the near future .Thanks in advance!
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