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Everything posted by Eltom

  1. RT @ironshay: Drinking game for web devs: (1) Think of a noun(2) Google ".js"(3) If a library with that name exists - drink

  2. RT @HistoryInPix: The Hard Disk you've been waiting for! $3398 http://t.co/SYw43FtIeT

  3. Thanks, Wanze. Finally I found $users..... I always checked on $user and there was no find() or get(), which is logical, because it's "my own user object". @all: Thank you for all the help I received regarding Users and Pages in this and other Threads! With your help I was able to implement some nice User-Management for my client! *THUMBSUP*
  4. RT @metawops: "In Sicherheitsmängeln steht #whistle.im seinem Vorbild #WhatsApp in nichts nach." http://t.co/NRceF2qVWl -- Danke, #CCC Hann…

  5. Hi all, as I understand the users concept in processwire, every user is a page with a template "user", right? So a foreach($pages->find("template=user, include=all") as $myuser) { ... } will cycle through all the users on my system ( I already did that, seems to work). Now I want to edit a specific user. In my understanding a $myuser = $pages->find("template=user,name=$someusername); $myuser = $pages->find("template=user,id=$someuserid); .... gets a single user, but this seems wrong. I'd love to get a specific user object to edit (name, password etc.) it and save it, but I don't know how to access it. Regards, Thomas
  6. Sometimes it works, sometimes not... I'll dig into it. Don't know what happens here right now.
  7. Strange. Looks like I'm doing something wrong. Thanks! Thomas
  8. Soma said, there's no checking at all when using $u->pass("1234"); But using it without any checks leads to a "no login for you".... Using $inputfield_pass = $modules->get("InputfieldPassword"); works exactly as he wrote, that's correct.
  9. RT @artbible: Today's pick: Samson Accusing His Father-in-Law - #Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn http://t.co/nZ4lB9VHIg http://t.co/6mSgcD0zBR

  10. Hi all, sorry to come back to this topic, but...... @Soma: I have no succes in using the code mentioned above. $u->pass = "1234"; is not working for me. The user isn't able to log in, when I created him like this. But using $u->pass = "1.SomeThing"; works. So there might be some checking while creating the user, but I don't get any feedback at all what went wrong. Any ideas? Regards, Thomas
  11. Genau, Outsourcen des Problems… ;) “@markustacker: @eltom @calibanatspace Nur auf der Arbeit laden!”

  12. Cool!! “@calibanatspace: Jikes...Sketchpad von 1963 http://t.co/K7ZhKIHuLM”

  13. Dank an @Peter_Schaar für die Übernahme meines Vorschlags… :-)https://t.co/TPqvkpRNv9http://t.co/yfyGchVd7t

  14. RT @RitaKasino: Kurzzeitig dachte ich, ich hätte versehentlich die Bunte in der Hand. War dann aber doch nur Twitter.

  15. Art. 20 GG, auf Zunge zergehen lassen: http://t.co/wYGnwKz7qv

  16. RT @frauherbststurm: Wenn dieser Tweet 200x retweetet wird, springe ich heute Mittag mit Klamotten in die Alb. Mit Beweisfoto!

  17. Grandios. Einfach grandios.

  18. RT @MarcoZehe: Tja, #Merkel zieht im Grunde blank, aber da die Opposition unfähig ist, kann sie daraus kein Kapital schlagen.

  19. RT @avbelow: Sehr geehrter BMI Friedrich: Der Tag ist gekommen, an dem ich Ihnen sage "Das Internet darf kein rechtsfreier Raum sein!"

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