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Everything posted by Eltom

  1. #Rödelheim, #Frankfurt: Polizei mit Lautsprecher: Gesucht wird ein Junge. 1,50m groß, Südländer, dunkelblaue Winterjacke, blaue Augen. RT

  2. Wenn @manomama auf Wolfgang Grupp träfe, wäre das sehr spannend, glaube ich... ;-)

  3. „Kantine des Wolfes“ - Primolupo - lecker! http://t.co/22M69WL0hr

  4. „Navi im Auto ist der erste Schritt zum betreuten Wohnen.“ - Philip Simon

  5. „Weniger ist noch mehr als nichts“

  6. „Silence is this town’s disease“ -Joyce Summers@BestofBuffy

  7. Minimable - Wordpress Theme, angeblich responsive. Mal testen... @fedeweb https://t.co/J1dHSD7UU5

  8. Ha, es hat sich ausgeCURLt. Endlich....

  9. Schon lange keinen Tweet mehr geklaut.

  10. #Graffiti im #Film: "Nicht stören" - sehr nettes Detail aus welchem Film? Gefunden im Standbild im Jahr 2008. http://t.co/KXRV92QMkz

  11. RT @qikipedia: Maths joke: if you have a pizza with radius z and thickness a, its volume is pizza (or pi*z*z*a)

  12. RT @Doktor_FreakOut: Frauen, die hier was von Herz und Verbitterung schreiben, aber bei der ersten Krise sofort das Weite suchen, kann ich …

  13. RT @teilweise: @eltom Deshalb heißt das volle Sprichwort ja auch: Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm, aber die zweite Maus frisst den Käse!

  14. The productivity suite formerly known as iWork http://t.co/kFGfkrZkSa

  15. Dieter #Hildebrandt - Helmut Kohl: Der Mond ist aufgegangen Ein Klassiker! http://t.co/YPJUBHnoco

  16. Ok, now I discovered that $user isn't right available after login, but changing (redirecting) to another page helps: if ($session->login($username, $pass)) { $session->redirect("/anotherpage"); } ... On "anotherpage" I can check what I need: if ($user->isLoggedin() { echo ($user->hasRole('clubmember')?"yes":"no"); // "yes" all the time now. ..... } This is a workaround for me, but shouldn't $user be available right after $session->login(); ?? Digging deeper: Posting $username and $pass (always using the same credentials, given $username = "thomas") twice to the same page lead to confusing results: $session->login($username, $pass); echo ( $user->isLoggedin()?"yes":"no" ); // "yes" after every login! Plausible result echo ( $user->name); // "guest" after the first post, "thomas" after the second post (?) echo ( $user->hasRole('clubmember')?"yes":"no "); // "no" after first post, "yes" after second post (?) So there seems to be something I haven't understood from the beginning...
  17. @adrian: It works, when I log in the user right after I created him.
  18. Hi all! if($session->login($username, $pass)) { echo ($user->hasRole('clubmember')==1?"yes":"no"); ....... } The above code snippet prints out "no" at the first login and "yes" at the second login. The user has the role mentioned in the code, so I'm not seeing, what's happening here. Sorry for all my stupid questions, sometimes it's hard to see the obvious(??).
  19. @Wanze: Thanks for your remarks. That's totally true and I'll change things a little bit. I created the user without a login: Just a plain $u = new User(); ... @adrian: Thanks for alle your remarks. I'll dig into your links and maybe I'll change some things. It's totally confusing, because it worked last week.
  20. Hi all, that's rather strange. It worked for some days but today it's broken and I don't know why. I'm implementing an user registration process where you have to pay some amount to earn a membership for a month. First you enter all your data (Street, Names, Username, Password...), this will be stored, and then you'll be directed to Paypal to pay the amount. Then a redirect happens to my page and a flag "payed" will be stored, too. To detect the right user, I created a $session->userdata = $input->post->getArray(); after the first post. This could be anything different, the point is: $session->userdata gets lost after the redirect from Paypal. It worked quite a while, but today it's broken. Is there a way to make $session permanent for, let's say, one day or so? Regards, Thomas
  21. RT @teilweise: @eltom Galgenhumor und Merkel. :-(

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