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Mark Hamstra

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Everything posted by Mark Hamstra

  1. RT @mattcutts In Chrome, control-shift-V pastes without formatting. #themoreyouknow

  2. Any recommendations on what to use to generate a #PDF file from #HTML? #MODX

  3. Binnenkort maar bestellen.. de autoruit op sterkte van specsavers! http://t.co/ZrbCk1cD2a

  4. When did Firefox turn into a royal PITA? o.O

  5. The one and only @jpdevries added another #MODX manager prototype: http://t.co/IjlQ63qsKJ next to the one I did: http://t.co/DxcFJgdZDY

  6. #MODX website should be back up.. sorry for the hiccup there. @thorjarle

  7. Just checking out statuspage.io. So far so good :)http://t.co/1P4qT6Zzod

  8. Exciting news for Dutch #MODXers… the latest @foxycart supports #iDeal and is fun to work with! http://t.co/I0XcBOl6dQ

  9. If I lived in Tampa or Florida in general, I’d totally attend IgniteTampa on April 25th. http://t.co/oomDeiyFAN

  10. Here’s my mockup for a #MODX manager with big accordion for content+admin, in html w/ Foundation: http://t.co/DxcFJgdZDY

  11. Note how instead of a boring “Components” menu, Extras find their place in the accordion. New main item (Gallery) or under System (ImportX)

  12. RT @chriscoyier Why is the CIA looking for Dave Rupert? They heard he had Web Puns of Mass Destruction.hahahah via @robwierzbowski

  13. I’m not attending 1, not 2, but 3 (!!!) #MODX Meetups in April! Leeuwarden, NL (3rd), Cologne, DE (18th) and London (25th)!

  14. RT @TijlMTBeckand Jammer dat de start van de #lente midden in de winter valt..

  15. RT @_Jorgen Te gek zo'n actieve #MODx community. Zojuist aangesloten bij http://t.co/fQaW6firz4 @mark_hamstra

  16. Would be great to have someone send a PR “@noahlearner: #modx client config issue would be great to get fixed. https://t.co/B817FVzFBS”

  17. Who of you were working on #MODX video tutorials again?

  18. RT @Fascinatingpics This is a seahorse. Your argument is invalid. http://t.co/ZgIboJmnPc

  19. Hey, PhpStorm 6.0 has fancy new icons too. http://t.co/cOyR35e4Kn

  20. While giving my LinkedIn profile an update, I sure quit a lot of jobs to focus on my own business! #itmustbeasign

  21. Any insider tips from people in #London on how to get there from Dutchyland, and where to stay? #tweeppower

  22. I'm a big fan of twitter. But if you have the need (and time) to tweet 1000s of times per day, really, you're doing it wrong.

  23. I'd just like to debunk this FUD, cause that's what it is. EVO is now a community supported CMS and a new release is actually in the works by maintainers of several now-dead forks. If it was killed, the download wouldn't be available on the MODX website today. But with limited resources there's no way MODX LLC can actively develop and support 2 major CMSs and while I don't want to claim that the Evo to Revo transition was handled properly, saying that a "kill switch" was pulled on Evo is simply wrong. Slowed down and focused on Revo, yes, killed, no. I don't agree there's difference between an Evo and Revo user profile either. As for MODX 3.0... it will be a continuation of Revolution, but taking a step back and looking at what it is that still attracts people to Evo and what people are asking for, and incorporating that into Revo. Speedier & slimmer core. Content elements instead of resources and TVs. Easier manager customisation. Easier ACLs. There will be no "kill switch" pulled on Revo when 3.0 as we've never done that. It'll be deprecated (as any old version is), but that doesn't mean you're out of luck if you need help with it, and I'm sure there'll still be a couple of maintenance and security releases as needed. The beauty of MODX 3 is that it will be the first time that, following semver rules, actual breaking changes can be introduced since the release of Revo in 2010. And 3.0 will become the priority this year and you'll hear lots more about it after we release 2.2.7. Aaaaaaaaanyway, kinda off-topic here, sorry for that. Yes, you should make friends with ProcessWire because frankly it's a kick-ass CMS with a great community. I'm sure it's very scalable because of the way it is architected (I bet there's a thing or two we could learn from PW for MODX too!) and from what I've seen it's quite extensible too in case you need to move beyond it's core features.
  24. RT @Omdenken Het gaat er niet om of je binnen of buiten de lijntjes kleurt, het gaat er om dat je je eigen tekening maakt.

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