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Mark Hamstra

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Everything posted by Mark Hamstra

  1. Ik ben blij dat het #kroningslied is teruggetrokken. Niet bepaald het beste werk van Ewbank en co op zo'n feestelijke dag.

  2. Dat koningslied? Nee, doe maar niet… zowel tekst als melodie springen alle kanten op? Had toch iets beters verwacht.. http://t.co/MGrncbbJMG

  3. Tjah, als je ICE opgehouden wordt door 2 stoptreinen..tja dan mis je de overstap op 5 min en ben je ineens een uur later thuis.. leuk :/

  4. RT @JOR_ID Like dit bericht en maak kans op een gratis* cursus Social Media.

  5. Working on my presentation right now :) “@MODX_de: Am Donnerstag ist es also soweit: #MODX Meet-up in Köln. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!”

  6. Op 15 mei ga ik jullie een verhaaltje vertellen over MODX, vrijheid en Community @ Talk Nerdy in Leeuwarden! http://t.co/1yLJyZxecU

  7. Any #MODX folks in #London want to show me around / have lunch / need desperate MODX help a few hours next week? Hit me up.

  8. Hey #MODXLondon peeps. Do you want pizza or sandwiches at the meetup?

  9. Now that’s service with a smile :)http://t.co/uCCIkIJjKj

  10. Both meetups I’m speaking at in the coming 2 weeks (Koln + London) are sold out. Can’t wait to meet all you #MODXers :D

  11. Developing all the backend and account systems for @modmore is more work than I imagined. But it’s coming together :) Soon.. #MODX

  12. RT @JOR_ID Ik heb een verborgen agenda. Ben dat ding al 4 dagen kwijt.

  13. Hey, everyone is making siphon-related puns, can't I do the same? I think the last thing I should say about this whole situation is that most of the employees of the business (which were 13 at the time) did not ask for the split to happen, however as self-proclaimed "Acquia for MODX" (side-stepping that MODX LLC has been that commercial arm for MODX for years now), SiphonLabs did essentially take all the employees with it, minus Ryan and Jay. So this "other side" is not something people have chosen. Rather, people like Jason and YJ have chosen to go back to the OS side and Ryan T is working really hard on making that possible.
  14. Dropbox, why are you using 44% of my CPU?

  15. I'd strongly recommend reading the follow up by MODX Co-founder Ryan (T), posted last night: http://modx.com/blog/2013/04/10/putting-the-band-back-together/ SiphonLabs is not MODX, but it is the Cloud team being flushed away from MODX. And that has the side effect of liberating the MODX team to focus once again on what matters: building MODX. While I can fully understand that there's confusion and people wondering what on earth is going on, this change isn't new - it was put in motion in early January. In that time, Ryan (T) has been working incredibly hard to give MODX a fresh start and making things happen that need to happen.
  16. This looks like a great tool if you want to play with the #MODX PHP API: http://t.co/XV314wo8qB //by @Fi1osof

  17. The PhpStorm 6.0 Darcula theme is pretty sweet. Was using a different customized one, but I think I’ll get used to this. #sundaycoding

  18. This is a great vid by @sepiariver explaining what a chunk is. Really, it’s awesome. Watch it. http://t.co/ZKormoK6yi #MODX

  19. I didn’t realise launching a business was done with a press release. Damn, I could’ve launched @modmore months ago!

  20. RT @levie The secret to entrepreneurship is having 100% conviction with only 80% of the answer.

  21. That’s a great example of thinking outside the box. “@eightygrit: Real-time weather report. #marketing http://t.co/n67AQ8BA39”

  22. I continue to be amazed by the diverse, but consistently awesome folks that make up the #MODX Community. Rock on.

  23. Why yes I indeed generate invoices using @foundationzurb, and am indeed using https://t.co/PregRnTjCz to turn it into PDFs #developmentisfun

  24. What a lot of people don’t seem to realise is that MODX LLC has always been the commercial arm of #MODX. SiphonLabs is a new spin-off.

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