TextformatterFindReplace by Ryan Cramer

Apply find/replace patterns to formatted text or markup. Supports simple and regex find/replace.

Find/Replace Textformatter module

Applies find/replace patterns to formatted text or markup at runtime. The patterns may be simple text or more complex regular expressions.

This module can be handy if you perform a text replacement on all output from a particular field, without having to manually make the change on all instances where it might appear. For instance, maybe you need to insert a trademark symbol ™ after every appearance of a brand name, or maybe your website hostname has changed and you need to replace all references to it, or perhaps you need to replace all <h1> headlines with <h2> headlines. These are just a few examples of any number of possibilities. See the Examples section of this page for how you might accompish these particular replacements.


  1. Copy the files for this module to: /site/modules/TextformatterFindReplace/

  2. In your admin go to Modules > Refresh.

  3. Click “Install” for Textformatter > Find/Replace. This will put you on the module configuration screen. See the Usage section below for details.

  4. Go to Setup > Fields > [any text or textarea field], and on the “Details” tab select this module for the “Textformatters”. Save.

  5. Edit a page using the field and test that your find/replace patterns work how you expect them to.


This section describes how to use the find/replace match patterns present on the module configuration screen. You may use simple find/replace patterns or regular expression patterns. This module detects which type you are using on each line automatically.

Simple find/replace

  • Usage: Enter one per line of: find=replace where find is the text to find and replace is the text to replace it with.

  • Note: The simple find/replace is handled by PHP’s str_replace function.

Regular expression find/replace

  • Usage: Enter one per line of /find/=replace where /find/ is a PCRE regular expression pattern to match and replace is the text to replace it with.

  • Delimiters: The slashes / in the /find/ refer to the open/close regular expression delimiters. Other supported delimiters include !, % and @, if you prefer them for one case or another, i.e. !find!=replace.

  • Modifiers: The closing delimiter may be followed by one or more PCRE pattern modifiers. For instance i is a modifier that makes the match case-insensitive. So the pattern /find/i would match FIND, find, FiNd, etc.

  • Capturing: If using a /find/ regular expression with capturing parenthesis like /(this|that)/ then the replace portion may include the portion matched in the parenthesis by specifying $1 where it should go. If there were a second set of capturing parenthesis, then $2 would refer to that match, and so on.

  • Optimization: If you want to check that some text is present before attempting to perform a more expensive regular expression match, you can do so. Please see the last example in the “Examples” section of this document, “Using the check option…” for details.

  • Note: The regular expression find/replace is handled by PHP’s preg_replace function. Most of this section just reiterates how that function works.

Other usage notes

  • You can include a comment on a line by appending // your comment to the line. The comment portion will be excluded from the match.

  • If any part of your pattern needs to include a literal equals sign = then it should be escaped with a backslash, i.e. \= so that this module does not confuse it with the boundary between find and replace patterns.


Domain/hostname change

Let’s say you decided to change your website domain from foo-bar-baz.com to foobarbaz.com. You want to update any appearances of the old domain to instead use the new domain, whether it appears on its own or as part of a link in the markup. This can be done with a simple replacement:


Append a trademark symbol ™ to a brand name

Let’s say that the brand name is “FooBarBaz” and your boss has told you that there needs to be a TM everywhere that it appears, i.e. as “FooBarBaz™”. This could be handled with the following simple replacement pattern:


But wait, in some instances there is already a ™ manually added to the brand name, so our simple replacement would convert it to “FooBarBaz™™”, which is not what we want. So for this case, we would be better off with a regular expression to perform the replacement, enabling us to find/replace only instances that do not already have the trademark symbol ™:

/FooBarBaz(?!™)/ = FooBarBaz™

The above expression essentially says to match and replace only the term “FooBarBaz” if it is not already followed by a ™.

Replacing headlines of one type with another

The SEO company just informed you that you need to stop using <h1> tags the body copy because they are diluting the <h1> tags in the page’s actual headline. So you need to convert all the <h1> tags in the body copy to <h2> tags. Here’s how we might do that with a simple replacement:


Note that we are excluding the < part of the tag so that it will match both opening and closing tags (<h1> and </h1>).

We’ve run up against a bit of an issue though. Some of those <h1> tags have attributes that need to be retained in the <h2>, like <h1 class="foo"> needs to convert to <h2 class="foo">, as one example. To do that, we’ll match the opening and closing tags separately, so that the attributes in the opening tag remain. For the closing tag, those won’t have attributes, so we can just replace the entire closing tag </h1> with </h2>.

<h1 = <h2
</h1> = </h2>

Looking good so far, but for whatever reason, the SEO company has now told us that the converted <h2> tags also need to have a class of primary, i.e. <h2 class="primary">. But some of the h1 tags also have other classes which we need to keep as well (like class="foo"). So we’ll need to capture existing classes while also inserting the new one. To do that, we’ll need to use a regular expression match first:

!<h1 class\="([^"]+)"! = <h2 class\="primary $1" 
<h1 = <h2 class\="primary"
</h1> = </h2>

A few things to note above:

  • We are using ! as our regular expression delimiter rather than /. I prefer this when matching in HTML/markup since / can often be part of markup, like in closing tags. Though for this case it wouldn’t matter what regular expression delimiter you used.

  • We are escaping the equals = in class= with a blackslash, i.e. class\= so that this module doesn’t confuse it as the boundary between the find and replace pattern.

  • We’re using capturing parenthesis "([^"]+)" in the regular expression to match everything in the existing class attribute (everything in the "quotes"), and then we’re inserting that part into the replacement via the $1.

  • We are prepending the new class name primary to the existing class attribute in the regular expression match (line 1).

  • The second line matches all the h1 tags that don’t have an existing class attribute, or maybe have some other attribute(s).

  • The last line matches and replaces all the closing </h1> tags since that part is not handled by either of the prior lines.

Continue with the next example for an optimization to the above.

Using the “check” option as an optimization for regex matches

Regular expressions can be complex and thus can also take more time to process than a simple replacement. Though they are still quite fast. But you might decide that you only want the regular expression to attempt a match if some other condition is met.

Think of it like this: we don’t want to take the time to walk to the store unless we know they have what we need to buy. So an optimization would be that we can call them first, and then only walk there after we’ve confirmed they have what we need.

The same can be done with a regular expression match by specifying a “check” value first. This is done by specifying check=find=replace rather than just find=replace.

To use our previous example where we convert h1 headlines to h2 headlines while retaining attributes and adding a class, we would like to first check that there is an <h1 class present in the markup before we let the regular expression attempt to match. After all, if <h1 class isn’t present then it would be impossible for the regular expression to match. Here’s how we can do that:

<h1 class = !<h1 class\="([^"]+)"! = <h2 class\="primary $1" 

This is the same match as in the previous example except that it now has the leading <h1 class at the beginning, which is our “check” value. The module can confirm if the check value is present very quickly and without overhead, enabling you to run the slower regular expression only when it’ll be useful.

Note that the “check” portion of a pattern is not case sensitive.

Copyright 2021 by Ryan Cramer

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