Recently updated modules
- Duplicator 1.5.4 by flydev ??
Duplicate, backup and transfer an entire site from one location to another.
Updated 2024/10/07 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools37 - FrontendContact 1.3.4 beta by juergen
Simple configurable and expandable contact form for ProcessWire based on the FrontendForms module.
Updated 2024/10/06 — Fieldtype Modules5 - FieldtypePageGrid 2.1.54 by jploch
PAGEGRID: Commercial page builder module that renders block templates and adds drag and drop functionality in admin.
Updated 2024/10/05 — Fieldtype Modules, Premium Modules6 - PageGridBlocks 1.0.42 by jploch
Install and uninstall PageGrid Blocks
Updated 2024/10/04 — Markup Generation, Development Tools2 - AddImageUrls 0.3.4 beta by Robin S
Allows images/files to be added to Image/File fields by pasting URLs.
Updated 2024/10/03 — Admin Helpers6 - VerifyLinks 0.3.3 beta by Robin S
Periodically verifies that external links are working and not leading to an error page.
Updated 2024/10/03 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules5 - WireMailSmtp 0.8.0 by Horst Nogajski
WireMail: SMTP: extends WireMail, uses SMTP protocol (plain | ssl | tls), provides: to, cc, bcc, attachments, priority, disposition notification, bulksending, ...
Updated 2024/10/03 — Email/WireMail118 - RockFrontend 3.21.2 by bernhard
Module for easy frontend development
Updated 2024/10/03 — Development Tools, Markup Generation13 - RockMigrations 5.3.0 by bernhard
The Ultimate Automation and Deployment-Tool for ProcessWire
Updated 2024/10/02 — Development Tools, Import/Export15 - RockCalendar 1.0.1 by bernhard
RockCalendar - A Powerful and Flexible Calendar Module for ProcessWire: A powerful ProcessWire module for event management, admin calendar view, drag-and-drop scheduling, recurring events, and seamless integration with ProcessWire…
Updated 2024/10/02 — Development Tools, Premium Modules2 - InputfieldDependencyHelper 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
Adds menus to insert field names and option values into show-if/required-if conditions.
Updated 2024/10/02 — Admin Helpers2 - RockJavaScriptHooks 0.0.1 beta by bernhard
Adds hooks for ProcessWire JavaScript
Updated 2024/10/01 — Admin Helpers2 - RockColorPicker 1.3.0 by bernhard
Main RockColorPicker Module
Updated 2024/09/28 — Fieldtype Modules2 - MarkupCloudflareTurnstile 0.0.2 beta by NB Communication
Implement Turnstile, Cloudflare's CAPTCHA alternative.
Updated 2024/09/27 — Markup Generation1 - InstagramBasicDisplayApi 1.4.6 by NB Communication
Instagram Basic Display API is an HTTP-based API that Facebook apps can use to get an Instagram user's profile, images, videos, and albums. This module…
Updated 2024/09/27 — Social, Feeds, Services11 - InstagramMediaDisplay 1.0.0 by NB Communication
Instagram Media Display, in combination with a Meta app, allows you to get an Instagram user's profile, images, videos, and albums for displaying on your…
Updated 2024/09/27 — Social, Feeds, Services1 - TracyDebugger 4.26.37 by Adrian Jones
The ultimate debugging and development tool for ProcessWire (
Updated 2024/09/26 — Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring185 - SiteRockFrontend 1.0.0 by bernhard
: Site Profile for RockFrontend
Updated 2024/09/26 — Site Profiles2 - ProcessDbMigrate 2.0.23 alpha by MarkE
Database Migrations: Manage migrations via the PW GUI
Updated 2024/09/24 — Development Tools, Process Modules5 - ProcessAdminActions 0.9.6 by Adrian Jones
Admin Actions: Control panel for running various admin actions
Updated 2024/09/19 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools37 - SearchCorrections 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Suggests alternative words for a given input word, useful for expanding search results.
Updated 2024/09/18 — Other Modules, Development Tools7 - FieldtypeFormSelect 1.0.1 by FireWire
Form Select: Select a form created via the Pro Form Builder module
Updated 2024/09/17 — Inputfield Modules, Fieldtype Modules2 - InputfieldSelectImages 0.3.0 beta by Robin S
Select Images: An inputfield that allows the visual selection and sorting of images, intended for use with FieldtypeDynamicOptions.
Updated 2024/09/15 — Inputfield Modules4 - PageListCustomSort 0.0.1 beta by EPRC
Enables the use of a custom sort setting for children, using multiple properties
Updated 2024/09/13 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept1 - WireframeRendererTwig 0.1.2 by Teppo
Wireframe Renderer: Twig: Twig renderer for the Wireframe output framework.
Updated 2024/09/10 — Development Tools, Markup Generation1 - ProcessPageViewStat 1.2.4 by tcnet
Page View Statistic for ProcessWire: Logs page views of the CMS.
Updated 2024/09/10 — Admin Helpers, Logs/Monitoring13 - FormBuilderHtmx 1.0.1 by FireWire
Zero configuration AJAX submission for FormBuilder forms
Updated 2024/09/07 — Markup Generation, Other Modules4 - ProcessListerSelector 0.1.5 beta by Robin S
Lister Selector: A Process module that uses Lister/ListerPro, but with a selector string input instead of the normal InputfieldSelector filters.
Updated 2024/09/05 — Admin Helpers2 - ListerNativeDateFormat 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Allows the date format for "created", "modified" and "published" columns to be set within a Lister.
Updated 2024/09/05 — Admin Helpers5 - InputfieldFloatRange 0.0.9 by eelke
Float (Range slider): Simple and fast HTML5 input range slider, with optional precision, min/max and step settings. Works as a drop-in replacement for regular float and integer…
Updated 2024/09/05 — Inputfield Modules5 - FieldtypeDynamicOptions 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Dynamic Options: A Fieldtype for dynamic options that are generated at runtime via a hook.
Updated 2024/09/03 — Fieldtype Modules9 - ProcessSessionInfo 0.2.0 beta by Robin S
Sessions: Lists information about active sessions in a similar way to SessionHandlerDB, but for file-based sessions.
Updated 2024/09/01 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access2 - FrontendForms 2.2.15 by juergen
Create forms and validate them using the Valitron library.
Updated 2024/08/31 — Fieldtype Modules12 - AltTextGpt 0.0.2 beta by notplants
A module for generating alt text for images in your site using the OpenAI API.
Updated 2024/08/30 — SEO/Accessibility, Admin Helpers3 - ProcessRenderFile 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Render File: A Process module that renders markup from files.
Updated 2024/08/26 — Process Modules, Admin Helpers3 - AdminThemeCanvas 0.81 beta by jploch
A minimal admin theme with optimised page editor UI, based on Uikit 3. Currently this is an early beta. It's not recommended to use it for producton yet.
Updated 2024/08/23 — Admin Styles/Themes, Admin Helpers9 - ProcessChangelog 1.18.0 by Teppo
Changelog: This module tracks changes, additions, removals etc. of public (as in "not under admin") pages of your site.
Updated 2024/08/21 — Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules30 - AdminInModal 0.3.3 alpha by MarkE
Provides hook for admin lightbox in front end as well as back end.
Updated 2024/07/31 — Admin Helpers2 - WireMailPHPMailer 1.3.9 by ukyo (@trk)
WireMail: PHPMailer: This module extends WireMail base class, integrating the PHPMailer mailing library into ProcessWire.
Updated 2024/07/30 — Email/WireMail30 - SanitizerTransliterate 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Adds a transliterate method to $sanitizer that performs character substitutions as defined in the module config.
Updated 2024/07/26 — Other Modules2 - TextformatterFootnotes 0.0.4 beta by EPRC
Footnotes: Adds footnotes using Markdown Extra’s syntax, minus Markdown
Updated 2024/07/25 — Textformatter Modules, Markup Generation1 - TagsToFolders 0.0.7 beta by EPRC
This is a small helper tool to visually organise fields/templates into folders in the menu when they are tagged
Updated 2024/07/25 — Admin Helpers5 - AllInOneMinify 3.2.3 by David Karich
AIOM+ (All In One Minify) for CSS, LESS, JS and HTML: AIOM+ (All In One Minify) is a module to easily improve the performance of your website. By a simple function call Stylesheets, LESS and Javascript files can…
Updated 2024/07/24 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility166 - ProcessPageListMultipleSorting 1.0.1 beta by David Karich
Admin Page Tree Multiple Sorting: Extend the ordinary sort of children of a template in the admin page tree with multiple properties. For each template, you can define your own rule. Write each…
Updated 2024/07/24 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules29