Modules 201 to 220 of 692
- RepeaterEasySort 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Adds a compact "easy-sort" mode to Repeater and Repeater Matrix, making those fields easier to sort when there are a large number of items.
2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers8 - RepeaterDepthHelper 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Enforces some depth rules for Repeater fields on save, and provides a helper method that returns a nested depth structure for a Repeater field value.
2020/06/11 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules6 - pw_spanish 3.0.40 beta by biojazzard
Spanish (es-ES) v.3: Spanish [es_ES] for ProcessWire
2016/11/18 — Language Packs2 - PulsewayPush 1.0.0 by flydev ??
Pulseway for ProcessWire: Send push from ProcessWire to Pulseway.
2017/12/02 — Logs/Monitoring, Other Modules0 - PublishAsHidden 0.0.1 by benbyf
PublishAsHiddenAdds button on first tab of edit page, when unpublished module adds Publish as hidden button which publishs page with flag as hidden.
2017/05/30 — Admin Helpers2 - ProtectedMode 1.1.1 by Adrian Jones
Protected / Maintenance Mode: Allows you to put your site into protected mode so that users must be logged in to access the front-end of the site.
2022/09/14 — Admin Helpers27 - ProcessWireUpgrade 0.1.1 by Ryan Cramer
Tool that helps you identify and install core and module upgrades.
2021/05/04 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools76 - ProcessWirePublishDate 1.2.0 by kaesetoast
Publish Date: Adds a publish date to every page
2014/10/09 — Inputfield Modules5 - ProcessWireGreekLanguage 1 by sakkoulas
processwire-greek-language: Greek Language for Processwire
2014/06/25 — Language Packs3 - ProcessWireFoundation6 0.0.1 by flydev ??
PW Foundation 6: Foundation 6 Minimal site profile for ProcessWire
2016/07/25 — Site Profiles7 - ProcessWireBootstrap4 0.0.3 by flydev ??
PW Bootstrap 4: Bootstrap 4 Minimal site profile for ProcessWire
2016/06/18 — Site Profiles11