Modules Sorted by Module name (Z–A)

  • WireWordTools 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
    Wire Word Tools (EN): API methods for English word inflection and lemmatization plus ability to use them in search queries.
    2020/07/10 — Other Modules
  • WireQueue 1.0.0 beta by Horst Nogajski
    Implements basic usage of Queues into ProcessWire!
    2016/07/27 — Import/Export, Logs/Monitoring, Other Modules
  • WireMailSwiftMailer 0.3.0 beta by Teppo
    WireMail: Swift Mailer: WireMail module providing Swift Mailer integration
    2022/03/22 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailSmtp 0.8.0 by Horst Nogajski
    WireMail: SMTP: extends WireMail, uses SMTP protocol (plain | ssl | tls), provides: to, cc, bcc, attachments, priority, disposition notification, bulksending, ...
    2024/10/03 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailSendGrid 1.1.3 beta by thegc
    Extend WireMail to bypass PHP Mail and send mail via SendGrids Web API
    2021/06/27 — Admin Helpers, Email/WireMail
  • WireMailRouter 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
    WireMail: Mail Router: WireMail module that sends email through other WireMail modules based upon configurable rules.
    2019/07/19 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailPostmarkApp 0.0.2 beta by NB Communication
    WireMail Postmark API: Extends WireMail to use the Postmark API for sending emails.
    2024/03/27 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailPostmark 0.5.4 by Netcarver
    WireMail for Postmark: Allows Processwire to send transactional email via Postmark
    2024/06/23 — Email/WireMail, Logs/Monitoring
  • WireMailPHPMailer 1.4.0 by ukyo (@trk)
    WireMail: PHPMailer: This module extends WireMail base class, integrating the PHPMailer mailing library into ProcessWire.
    2024/12/26 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailMandrill 0.0.1 beta by Craig Rodway
    WireMail: Mandrill: A WireMail implementation using the Mandrill HTTP API
    2015/05/30 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailMailgun 0.5.1 by macrura
    WireMail: Mailgun: Mailgun for ProcessWire
    2019/03/12 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailgun 1.2.4 by NB Communication
    WireMail Mailgun API: Extends WireMail to use the Mailgun API for sending emails.
    2024/01/25 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailGmail 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
    WireMail: Gmail: WireMail module that sends email through Google’s Gmail. Requires GoogleClientAPI module first.
    2019/07/19 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailChimp 0.0.1 alpha by benbyf
    WireMail: MailChimp: Mailchimp integration for Processwire
    2017/04/30 — Social, Feeds, Services, Email/WireMail
  • WireMailBrevo 0.0.3 beta by Timothy de Vos
    WireMail for Brevo: Allows Processwire to send transactional email via Brevo
    2024/04/27 — Email/WireMail
  • WireMailBranding 0.1.3 beta by martijn-geerts
    Mail Branding: Add a wrapper around bodyHTML.
    2015/11/13 — Markup Generation, Other Modules
  • WireframeRendererTwig 0.2.0 by Teppo
    Wireframe Renderer: Twig: Twig renderer for the Wireframe output framework.
    2025/02/09 — Development Tools, Markup Generation
  • WireframeRendererLatte 0.0.2 beta by Teppo
    Wireframe Renderer: Latte: Latte renderer for the Wireframe output framework.
    2022/07/21 — Development Tools, Markup Generation
  • Wireframe 0.31.0 by Teppo
    An output framework for ProcessWire.
    2025/01/26 — Development Tools, Other Modules
  • WireCacheFilesystem 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
    WireCache Filesystem cache handler for ProcessWire 3.0.218+: ProcessWire WireCache module that replaces the default cache handler with a file system based cache.
    2023/05/26 — Development Tools, Proof of Concept

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

“We were really happy to build our new portfolio website on ProcessWire! We wanted something that gave us plenty of control on the back-end, without any bloat on the front end - just a nice, easy to access API for all our content that left us free to design and build however we liked.” —Castus, web design agency in Sheffield, UK