PulsewayPush by flydev ??

Send push from ProcessWire to Pulseway.


Send "push" from ProcessWire to Pulseway.


PulsewayPush simply send a push to a Pulseway instance. If you are using this module, you probably installed Pulseway on your mobile device: you will receive notification on your mobile.

To get more information about Pulseway, please visit their website.


They have a free plan which include 10 notifications (push) each day.


Install the PulsewayPush module.

Then call the module where you like in your module/template code :

<?php $modules->get("PulsewayPush")->push("The title", "The notification message.", "elevated"); ?>

Hookable function

___push() ___notify() (the two function do the same thing)

Examples of use case

  • I needed for our work a system which send notification to mobile device in case of a client request immediate support. Pulseway was choosen because it is already used to monitor our infrastructure.

  • An idea, you could use the free plan to monitor your blog or website regarding the number of failed logins attempts (hooking Login/Register?), the automated tool then block the attacker's ip with a firewall rules and send you a notification.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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