Inputfield::get() method

Get a property or attribute from the Inputfield

  • This can also be accessed directly, i.e. $value = $inputfield->property;.

  • For getting attribute values, this will work, but it is preferable to use the Inputfield::attr() method.

  • For getting non-attribute values that have potential name conflicts with attributes (or just as a reliable alternative), use the Inputfield::getSetting() method instead, which excludes the possibility of overlap with attributes.


// Retrieve the value of a property
$value = $item->get("some_property");

// Retrieve the value of the first non-empty property:
$value = $item->get("property1|property2|property2");

// Retrieve a value using array access
$value = $item["some_property"];


$mixed = $inputfield->get(string $key);



Name of property or attribute to retrieve.

Return value

mixed null

Value of property or attribute, or NULL if not found.

See Also

Inputfield methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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