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DV-JF last won the day on December 8 2022

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Community Answers

  1. Just guessing because your logs: You could try to add $config->sessionFingerprint = 2; to your config.php see https://processwire.com/api/ref/config/#pwapi-methods-session for more info.
  2. Perhaps this will may help you: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOrdUWNK38ibz8U_5Vq4zSPZfvFKzUuiT&si=eZK8fSrXVWJs65_k
  3. @joshua I'll try again🙂 Is it possible to load a script based on different conditions: How do others solve this task? Greets!
  4. I'm just reading the docs: https://help.instagram.com/502981923235522 https://www.facebook.com/help/instagram/138925576505882?helpref=faq_content I haven't read anything about any restrictions that would prevent a "normal Instagram account" from being converted into a business account, yet. As I read the documentation, this seems to be the case. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-platform/instagram-api-with-instagram-login/overview
  5. @tomasanjosbarao Thank you for sharing this info and thank you – @nbcommunication – for further investigation. It would be great to see a new module👌 The first limitation a I see is this: Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-platform/instagram-api-with-instagram-login
  6. My setup is a bit unusual and I'm not quite sure whether the error is mine or not - following setup - RepeaterField (rep_socialLinks) with 2 text fields and FieldsetPage (set_icon) inside - Inside this FieldsetPage set_icon there is among fields things a "Select Options" field - The rep_links field is in a template called "settings" with multiple "FieldsetTabs" And now to the problem: If the rep_links field is in the main tab, then the "Select Options" field works correctly. However, as soon as I move the field to another "FieldsetTab", the field is not saved correctly. Here is my question: Can anyone understand the problem and is there an explanation? Please find attached a video for clarification. repeaterissue.mp4
  7. Hey, one of my feeds stopped working. I renewed the token, but it's not working - But I've noticed this message one Facebooks "Basic Display" page: Anyone else having this problem? This is how the module-page looks like: @nbcommunication Any ideas?
  8. Hey @update AG Markus, thank you for this module. It fits my needs perfectly. Unfortunately, I have a problem with the assignment of permissions in the backend: The page isn't shown up when viewing as an "editor", see screenshots: I'm not able to view this page (/cms/setup/most-viewed/) with editor role: Any ideas? Greets Jens alias DV-JF
  9. DV-JF


    @Wanze Any news on this... https://github.com/wanze/SeoMaestro/issues/40 - Had a website which runs out of disk space because of this error ?
  10. Hey @kixe I'm using Version 1.2.0 on PW 3.0.229 with PHP 8.1.19 and getting the following error: Deprecated: hexdec(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($hex_string) of type string is deprecated in .../site/modules/FieldtypeColor/FieldtypeColor.module:85 The null coalescing operator is working for me in line 85: public function sleepValue(Page $page, Field $field, $value) { return hexdec($value ?? ''); } Can you fix this? Many greets!
  11. Hey, I'm asking myself, what's the best way to filter a SelectableOptionArray for multiple Values. Is there a better way than doing it like this: if( $page->optionField->hasValue('foo') || $page->optionField->hasValue('bar') || $page->optionField->hasValue('buzz')) { echo $something }; Any ideas welcome! Greets!
  12. @Robin S, you're fantastic! GD libary is working fine for me! Thanks a million for the quick update!
  13. Hey @Robin S when trying to use your module I'm getting following error: unable to open file `/tmp/magick-3212377FV32zRu53SoM': Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/604 Edit: PHP 8.2.6 - ProcessWire 3.0.229 © 2024 Any ideas? Many greets!
  14. @joshua Did you recognize my question: Is it possible to define multiple data-categories at the same time – e.g.:
  15. Same question here ? As far as I understand the docs https://developers.google.com/tag-platform/security/guides/consent?hl=de&consentmode=advanced it's necessary to set & update the "consent status" Here's a snippet as google recommends on its website. <script> // Define dataLayer and the gtag function. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} // Set default consent to 'denied' as a placeholder // Determine actual values based on your own requirements gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' }); </script> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=TAG_ID "> </script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'TAG_ID'); </script> <!-- Create one update function for each consent parameter --> <script> function consentGrantedAdStorage() { gtag('consent', 'update', { 'ad_storage': 'granted' }); } </script> <!-- Invoke your consent functions when a user interacts with your banner --> <body> ... <button onclick="consentGrantedAdStorage">Yes</button> ... </body> I'm thinking about using PrivacyWire for triggering a custom js function: Passing the necessary gtag parameters to google after the user had interacted with the Consent Banner. @joshua Is it possible to define multiple data-categories at the same time – e.g.: <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="statistics|marketing|external_media"> // Load GTM </script>
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