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I am wondering how I would go about getting PW to put a class="list-group-item active" class onto the page that is active.

Here is my code currently 

//$getStaticPages = $pages->get("/about"); 
$staticPages = $about->children("sort=name");

foreach($staticPages as $staticPage) {?>
<li class="list-group-item"><a href="<?=$staticPage->url?>"><?=$staticPage->title?></a></li>


I'd appreciate any help :) 

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This should do it. Sorry for reformatting your code, but it becomes awkward trying to add ternary operators into a code block with PHP tags sprinkled into the HTML like that.

$staticPages = $about->children("sort=name");

foreach($staticPages as $staticPage) {
    echo "<li class='list-group-item" . ($page == $staticPage ? " active" : "") . "'><a href='{$staticPage->url}'>{$staticPage->title}</a></li>";
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This should do it. Sorry for reformatting your code, but it become awkward trying to add ternary operators into a code block with PHP tags sprinkled into the HTML like that.

$staticPages = $about->children("sort=name");

foreach($staticPages as $staticPage) {
    echo "<li class='list-group-item" . ($page == $staticPage ? " active" : "") . "'><a href='{$staticPage->url}'>{$staticPage->title}</a></li>";

Thank you. This worked. Still learning PHP, hence the messy code :) 

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No problem at all - there is nothing wrong with the approach you took - completely valid code and appropriate in many cases so long as you don't need additional logic.

Since you're new to PHP (and maybe other scripting languages?), you may not have seen ternary operators before, so here is a great explanation: http://davidwalsh.name/php-shorthand-if-else-ternary-operators

They shouldn't be used instead of if/else in all situations, but in many cases they can make code simpler. If used incorrectly with too much nesting, they can become horrible to read :)

If you want to stick to the style you have, you could do this:

$staticPages = $about->children("sort=name");

foreach($staticPages as $staticPage) {?>
<li class="list-group-item<?=$page == $staticPage ? " active" : ""?>"><a href="<?=$staticPage->url?>"><?=$staticPage->title?></a></li>


I find it messier, but others may prefer it.

Also be warned about php shorttags: <?= vs <?php echo - not all servers will currently support shorttags, although it is the default in more recent versions of PHP.

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