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Option to disable required warnings when saving unpublished


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I like the current behavior in that you can save a page unpublished and the populated fields will be saved. Even if you try to publish, the populated fields will be saved, it's just that it won't actually publish until the required fields have been populated.

But I would like the option to not show the required warnings unless the user is actually trying to publish the page. On templates with long complicated sets of fields, there are plenty of times you don't want to fill out everything right away and I think the warnings are intrusive at this point.

I am thinking this would be a template level setting, but I guess it could also be per field, but that might be a little annoying to set them all? If it was per field, then it should be available as a template context override as well.

Of course the title field should be treated differently.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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