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selector image field


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It's hard to understand what exactly you want to do. Can you also try to put some spaces between your words? Thx.

You can grab an image using the image field name. If its setting is to allow only a single image file you can do:

// single image field
echo $pageobject->imagefield->url;
echo $pageobject->imagefield->size(100,100)->url;

If the image field is set to allow multiple images, you must use a loop to cycle through them, or chose the first, or maybe a random one.

// multiple
foreach($page->imagesfield as $img){
$thumb = $img->size(100,100)->url;
echo "<img src='$thumb' />";
// or chose first from image array

// or random

// grab pages using a special template and output a list of their images.
$pa = $pages->find("template=yourtemplate");
echo "<ul>";
foreach($pa as $p){
   $thumb = $p->imagefield->width(100)->url;
   echo "<li><img src='$thumb'/></li>";
echo "</ul>";

Does that help you? If not can you provide better and more information what you want to do?

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