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Change Language Page Url

Dave Damage

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Hello folks,

I am currently working at a project where I have to import a Wordpress-Site to Processwire. I have a bunch of multilingual Pages and would like to import them to Processwire. Everything works fine but as soon as I try to set the Page-Url, Processwire throws the error: "Error: Call to a member function setLanguageValue() on a non-object".

$page = new Page();
            $parent = $this->sanitizer->pageName($category['parent'], true);
            $page->parent =  wire('pages')->get('/articles/'.$parent.'/');
            $page->parent = wire('pages')->get('/articles/');
        $page->template = 'category';
        $deName = $this->sanitizeUmlaut($category['de']);
        $en = $this->languages->get("default");
        $de = $this->languages->get("german");
        $page->name = $this->sanitizer->pageName($category['name'], true);
        $page->title->setLanguageValue($en, $category['name']);
        $page->title->setLanguageValue($de, $deName, true);

        $page->url->setLanguageValue($en, $category['name']);
        $page->url->setLanguageValue($de, $deName, true);

        $page->wp_id = $category['id'];

        $this->message('Successfully imported '.$category['name']);

Has anyone an idea on how to solve this problem?

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Hey Soma,

thank you for your quick response. Somehow turning off outputformatting did not work: The title is set whether it is turned on or off, but everytime I try to set the localName oer localURL (http://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/multi-language-urls/) of the page, it throws the same error. 

$page->localName->setLanguageValue($en, $category['name']);

Furthermore, I seem unable to find how to set the "active"-Status of the URL in the API...

[Edit:] Nevermind, I found the solution here: http://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/multi-language-urls/

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Hi Dave,

I'm having the same problem - trying to set the page name in another language, and setting it to "active". I looked at the page you pointed to in your [Edit], above, but I'm only seeing a way to read those values... Would you mind sharing what worked for you?


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Hi Dave,

I'm having the same problem - trying to set the page name in another language, and setting it to "active". I looked at the page you pointed to in your [Edit], above, but I'm only seeing a way to read those values... Would you mind sharing what worked for you?



Sets the status for the $language (in my case $de).

$page->set("name$de", $this->sanitizer->pageName($pageName_de, [true]));

With "name$language" (in my case again $de) you set the Pagename in the Language.

I don't know if its best practice to set the default language (in my case $en) with:

$page->name = $this->sanitizer->pageName($pageName, [true]); 


$page->set("name$en", $this->sanitizer->pageName($pageName_en, [true])); 

I went with the first option, and did not try the second one. Depending on the language, I highly recommend setting up a small script, that converts language-related mutations ( you english people really call Umlaute 'mutations'?) to more machine-readable characters ("oe" for "ö").

PS: I really like the way processwire handles languages compared to other systems (I'm looking at you, WP!). 

[Edit]: Somehow I posted the wrong link above and I am unable to retrieve the working one.

Edited by Dave Damage
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You would use the beautifier translate option (Sanitizer::translate) to have sanitizer use the special char conversion

$name = $this->sanitizer->pageName($pageName_en, Sanitizer::translate);

The chars are defined in the PageName module config screen, where you can set conversion for each char like "ö => oe", default is "ö => o"

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  • 9 years later...

Hi ,

this topic is quite tricky, using the API to insert multilangual content, thanks for the above input. This works for me, just if someone needs it. Code is not cleaned:

// Array with parent ID, object IDs of external database
$externalDataFromJson["pwParentID"] = 12345;
$externalDataFromJson["DE"] = '{"12": "Äpfel", "13": "Orangen" }';
$externalDataFromJson["EN"] = '{"13": "Oranges","12": "Apples"}';


function createIt($data) {
    $dataDE = json_decode($data["DE"], true);
    $dataEN = json_decode($data["EN"], true);

    $DE = \ProcessWire\wire("languages")->get("name=default"); // Get the language object for the default language
    $EN = \ProcessWire\wire("languages")->get("name=en"); // Get the language object for the second language

    foreach ($dataDE as $id => $term_DE) {
        $findItBefore = \ProcessWire\wire("pages")->findOne('template=_vocabulary,external_id=' . $id);

        if ($findItBefore instanceof NullPage) {
            echo "<br>Do not Exists: " . $id . ' - ' . $term_DE . ' create: external_id ';
            $p = new \ProcessWire\Page();
            $p->parent = \ProcessWire\wire("pages")->get( $data["pwParentID"] );
            $p->template = '_vocabulary';
        } else {
            echo "<br>Exists: " . $id . ' ' . $term_DE;


            $p = $findItBefore;
            //$p->of(false); // outputFormatting must be OFF
        if (isset($dataEN[$id])) {
            $term_EN = $dataEN[$id];
        } else {
            $term_EN = "Eng not found";

        $p->name = \ProcessWire\wire('sanitizer')->pageName($term_DE, true);

        $p->title->setLanguageValue($DE, $term_DE, true);
        $p->title->setLanguageValue($EN, $term_EN);
        $p->external_id = $id;


        //$p->set("name$de", \ProcessWire\wire('sanitizer')->pageName($term_DE, [true]));
        $p->set("name$EN", \ProcessWire\wire('sanitizer')->pageName($term_EN, [true]));


        $url = $p->localUrl("de");
        echo "<hr>";
        $url = $p->localUrl("en");
        echo "<hr>";

        echo "<hr>";


Now in settings/ the second URL (in my case "en") is "active" and translated :)


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