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Issue with has_parent selector


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4 minutes ago, Zeka said:

@Orkun I think that it is enoght to run it once if you have some issues or after update to PW >= 3.0.156. 


Save method from PagesParents class executes on every page save and if it's necessary it will execute rebuildAll method.


Hi @Zeka

Thank you for the clarification!

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  • 8 months later...

Hi friends,

After running "$pages->parents()->rebuildAll();" in TracyDebugger (PW version 3.0.178), I got table "pages_parents" empty!

Any suggestions? has_parent still not working and I really needed it.

Thank you all


After a lot of tests, I realize that the problem is missing system resources. My database is getting huge and the rebuildAll cannot work properly. 

I did some tunning in my machine and could run properly.

I hope that problem has_parent has finally solved.

Thank you anyway!



Edited by Bacos
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  • 3 years later...

I know this is an old issue, however somehow I'm running into this issue also on a local installation.

How it came to light, localy has_parent selector gave empty results, which should'nt have happend. Testing showed that has_parent only would give direct parent page as result.

When I took a look at the pages_parents table it shows only 6 entries. However the original database import had 343800 entries.

So I wonder what is / could be causing these entries to disapear. How and if it can it be rebuild. And is there a relation between has_parent selector and the table pages_parents?

The instance of ProcessWire is running PW 3.0.200 with PHP 7.4.33

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