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Server monitoring


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Anyone used logstash.net/?

I am finally trying to get proactive at server log monitoring and so far the above and logentries.com are the two I am looking at.

This is a bit complex for me but I think with the logstash.net/ route it's a case of installing it locally, with elasticsearch and on the webserver installing a remote agent that sends logs securely over. All documented on the logstash site along with a good video explaining it.

Jury is out at the moment

  • logentries.com is working but I'm not sure it's what I want
  • my local tests of the logstash from this 10min guide work to a point then the final test fails :/

Gonna spend a bit more time trying to solve.

Anyway, thought I'd post this since it must be something others do or may want to in which case I hope these links are of some value at least to someone (and hopefully I'll solve the above and be able to post a fully working method here).

PS: the above is me with a local Mac and remote Apache on Centos so apologies if this is irrelevant to you due to other environments.

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  • 2 years later...

Hey @alan,

Right now I'm looking into storing logs with a tool. Since we have multiple installations running around I was also wondering if you were going to log the ProcessWire logs as well with logstash? Or just the server logs?

Would you be so kind to share your experiences?


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Hey @arjen, sorry for the slow response.

At the time I was only thinking of the server logs, but it makes total sense (thanks for the suggestion) to log/parse PW logs also, for things I want to know about.

Sadly I have not moved forward with this at all :/

This seems an area (logs reporting themselves to you when a condition/keyword occurs) ripe for automation and likely to be highly beneficial, I am surprised I've not yet bumped into a great pan-log solution. Something I'd like to return to researching :) when time allows :(

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Ah, the todo list...

I can see a Module now..,

Tailer—it tails your log files. You tailor the rules and leave it to Tailer to alert you tor any phrase or limit that interests you ^_^



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