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Find the right image field for a given image name and page


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I'm currently building an Textformatter to embed images with a srcset attribute. In order to do this, I extract images from the string, then search for the image itself and rebuild the <img> before inserting it back into the string.

My problem is now finding the right image inside a given page. I have

  • The image file name, e.g. dcim_2299.jpg, called $imageName
  • The page of the image, called $p
  • Multiple PageImage fields assigned to one or more templates.

How can I access/get the right PageImage from the right image field on the page? At the moment I've hardcoded the field name into the module.

A look at another, similar module doesn't help because there is a bug. When there are multiple image fields assigned to the template, It will always select the first image from the first field. I have no clue why this happens.

Code from the TextformatterImageInterceptor that is not working as expected. The bug is also reported here.

				// basename of image.
				$imageName = preg_replace("/\d+x\d+\./i","", $variationName);
				// All image fields of the page
				$imageFields = $p->fields->find("type=FieldtypeImage|FieldtypeCropImage");
				// find the image object
				foreach($imageFields as $imageField) {
				    // if Maximum files allowed, just grab it.
				    if($imageField->maxFiles == 1) {
				        $image = $p->$imageField;
				    // dealing with files array
				    } else {
				        $image = $p->$imageField->get("$imageName");
                                    if($image instanceof Pageimage) break;				    

I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

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Hi Philipp,

at first, to get the original name from a variations name, you simply have to drop all after the first dot in the basename:

(this works with all PW versions, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and also with the changed NamingScheme in PW 2.5.+)

$imageName = pathinfo($variationName, PATHINFO_BASENAME);  // I do not use PATHINFO_FILENAME here because this way it also matches original filenames
$imageName = substr($imageName, 0, strpos($imageName, '.')) . '.' . pathinfo($variationName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);  // determines where the first dot is and drops all after that position, and simply add the extension

// the only way to find all image fields, also those coming in the future, is to check for the instance of FieldtypeImage, what also is true if a field extends FieldtypeImage:
foreach($page->fields as $field) {
    if (! (bool) ($field->type instanceof FieldtypeImage)) continue; // if no images field, go on

    //if (count($page->get($field->name)) == 0) continue;  // this isn't needed I think because the next check with ->has() covers that case too

    // find the field that holds the image
    if (!$page->get($field->name)->has('name=' . $imageName)) continue;

    // if you reach this line, you have your field and your original image 

If you are in template scope, you may test to switch of outputformatting when asking with ->has(), or it could raise an error if the imagefield only allows a single image and doesn't return a wireArray. (I'm not sure on this, - just want to note not to forgett to test on this)

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As a sidenote, regarding the detection of imagefields

 if (! (bool) ($field->type instanceof FieldtypeImage)) continue; // the only way I know to find all image fields, also those coming in the future, is to check for the instance of FieldtypeImage, what also is true if a field extends FieldtypeImage 


As of today (date of this post) we allready have those known image fieldtypes that extend the core images fieldtype:

  • Cropimage -> (also known as Thumbnails)
  • ImageFocusArea -> (formerly known as ImageFocusrect)
  • ImageExtra ->
  • ImageExtraLanguage ->
  • CroppableImage (a fork of Cropimage, coming soon)

Images section is growing! :):D:biggrin:^-^

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Thank you all!

The code from horsts first post was nearly the solution. I needed the filename + the extension. With a uploaded file, e.g. example.jpg I've extracted the variation name from the src-attribute (example.321x0.jpg). Making it example.jpg again and then use horst code it worked.

$tmp1= explode('.',$variationName);
$meta['imageName'] = $tmp1[0]; 
$meta['ext'] = $tmp1[count($tmp1)-1];
//Thanks to Horst Nogajski for the following snippet
foreach($p->fields as $field) {
    if (! (bool) ($field->type instanceof FieldtypeImage)) continue; // if no images field, go on
    // find the field that holds the image
    if (!$p->get($field->name)->has('name=' . $meta['imageName'] . '.' . $meta['ext'])) continue;
$image = $p->get($field->name)->get('name=' . $meta['imageName'] . '.' . $meta['ext']); 
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