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back to image basics day!


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Can't work out why my thumbnail resizing here doesn't work. It's probably something very obvious (as usual)


 * Page template


echo $page->body;

$contestantarray = $pages->find("template=user"); //get all the users

$contestants = $contestantarray->findRandom(2); //grab two contestants

foreach ($contestants as $contestant) {
		$lineup = $contestant->profile_image;        //create the contestant
		$thumb_contest = $lineup->size(50, 50);      //create a thumbnail
		echo "<img src='{$thumb_contest->url}{$thumb_contest}'><br /> " ; //output the thumbnail



Error: Exception: Method Pageimages::size does not exist or is not callable in this context (in /var/www/clients/client15/web43/web/wire/core/Wire.php line 320)

#0 /var/www/clients/client15/web43/web/site/templates/contest.php(19): Wire->__call('size', Array)
#1 /var/www/clients/client15/web43/web/site/templates/contest.php(19): Pageimages->size(50, 50)
#2 /var/www/clients/client15/web43/web/wire/core/TemplateFile.php(140): require('/var/www/client...')
#3 [internal function]: TemplateFile->___render()
#4 /var/www/clients/client15/web43/web/wire/core/Wire.php(359): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#5 /var/www/clients/client15/web43/web/wire/core/Wire.php(317): Wire->runHooks('render', Array)
#6 /var/www/clients/client15/web43/web/wire/modules/PageRender.module(337): Wire->__call('render', Array)
#7 /var/www/clients/client15/web43/web/wire/modules/PageRender.module(337): TemplateFile->render()
#8 [internal function]: PageRender->___renderPage(Object(HookEvent))
#9 /var/www/clients/client15/web43/web/wire/core/Wire

This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged. 
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Is your profile_image field a single image field? If not, you can either change this in the admin area by setting the maximum of files for this field to 1. If not, you could access the "first" image with the first() method.

$thumb_contest = $contestant->profile_image->first()->size(50,50);

If this doesn't work you might have to check if you have the right pages in the PageArray $contestants.

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It would be an interesting statistic to see how many times the 'problem' about single/multiple image and file fields has come up on the forum :)

I think it will happen less from now on :)


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It would be an interesting statistic to see how many times the 'problem' about single/multiple image and file fields has come up on the forum :)

 Probably a similar number to that of the number of posts I have made!

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