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Generate thumbnail from api?


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the follow code works and downloads the image from the url. However, it doesn't generate the thumb nail in the back end. 


$page = new page();
$page->template = 'basic';
$page->tittle = 'testing';
$page->image = http://i.imgur.com/nFJzvUQ.jpg;

nFJzvUQ.200.00.jpg would not exist

nFJzvUQ.jpg exist

How do i genereate the thumbnail so it doesn't appear broken in the backend.


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There are a few small things wrong with that code - missing parent, save not save() etc.

This works for me:

$p = new page();
$p->template = 'basic-page';
$p->parent = $pages->get(1); //set parent to homepage
$p->title = 'testing7';

Are you talking about the  thumb that gets created when you have "Display Thumbnails in Page Editor" checked. The 200 in the filename is throwing me, since these are usually 100px high.

I am getting the thumbnail created as soon as I load the page in the admin. What version of PW are you running?

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