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Sorting the array by parent item


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I'm trying to sort my list out below, alphabetically by the title of the parent item, but my method is resulting in an error.

Could someone suggest what is wrong with the code below please.

function dmc_list(){
	$dmcs = wire('pages')->find("template=dmc");
		echo"<div class='row'>";
                $dmc_total = count($dmcs);
                $column_total = $dmc_total / 3;
                $column_ceiling = ceil($column_total);
		$dmc_count = 0;	

		echo "<div class='container'>";	

				foreach($dmcs as $dmc){
					if((count($dmcs)>0) && ($dmc_count==0)) { echo "<div class='col-md-4'>";}
					$dmc_count ++;
					$region = $dmc->parent->title;
					if($region !== $new_region) { echo "<li  class='list-group-item list-group-item-info'><b>{$region}</b></li>";}
					$new_region = $dmc->parent->title;
					echo "<li> $dmc->title {$region}</li>";
						if($dmc_count == $column_ceiling){
								echo "</div>";
								$dmc_count = 0;	}
						if(count($dmcs) == 0) {
										echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";		

There's also a flaw in my logic here somewhere as the last column holds more items than the others...

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there is quite a bit wrong with this; where are your opening <ul> tags?

this looks like bootstrap 3 and you are trying to do a structure with a random # of columns (which you won't know ahead of time); looks like you want 3 items in each column, seems backwards...

also i don't see why you need the container.. this is the best i could do with limited info, and you never defined $new_region variable


function dmc_list(){
	$dmcs = wire('pages')->find("template=dmc");
	$dmc_total = $dmcs->count(); // if 100, then you have 34 columns, 3 rows?
	$column_total =  ceil($dmc_total / 3);
	$count = 0;	

echo"<div class='row'>";
	echo "<div class='col-md-4'>"; //start the first column
		echo '<ul>'; // start your first list
		foreach($dmcs as $dmc){
			$region = $dmc->parent->title;
			if($region !== $new_region) echo "<li class='list-group-item list-group-item-info'><b>{$region}</b></li>";
										echo "<li>{$dmc->title} {$region}</li>";
					if($count !== $column_total) {
					 	echo (++$count%3 ? "" : "</ul></div><div class='col-md-4'><ul>"); 
					 } elseif ($count === $column_total) {
					 	echo "</ul></div>";
				} // end foreach                                                        						
echo "</div>"; // end row

this definitely won't work, because it won't be consistent with bootstrap framework (too many columns) and also the you will need 2 counts, one for columns and one for the UL... if you give me more info i will fix the code i postef

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Thanks, I'll give that a try this evening.

If that doesn't work, maybe I should go about this another way: loop through the regions and in every iteration of the loop, loop through child pages.


Good guess. Yes, it's bootstrap 3. Laziness stopped the opening ul tags. But, I should be able to insert them along with my opening closing div col tags yes?

I was trying to work it out with the following; list total pages, divide it by 3 for my 3 columns. Use ceil to round it up. When the counter reaches my column limit close the div and start again. If there are no more rows, close the div.

I thought I had new region sorted?

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there is quite a bit wrong with this; where are your opening <ul> tags?

this looks like bootstrap 3 and you are trying to do a structure with a random # of columns (which you won't know ahead of time); looks like you want 3 items in each column, seems backwards...

also i don't see why you need the container.. this is the best i could do with limited info, and you never defined $new_region variable


function dmc_list(){
	$dmcs = wire('pages')->find("template=dmc");
	$dmc_total = $dmcs->count(); // if 100, then you have 34 columns, 3 rows?
	$column_total =  ceil($dmc_total / 3);
	$count = 0;	

echo"<div class='row'>";
	echo "<div class='col-md-4'>"; //start the first column
		echo '<ul>'; // start your first list
		foreach($dmcs as $dmc){
			$region = $dmc->parent->title;
			if($region !== $new_region) echo "<li class='list-group-item list-group-item-info'><b>{$region}</b></li>";
										echo "<li>{$dmc->title} {$region}</li>";
					if($count !== $column_total) {
					 	echo (++$count%3 ? "" : "</ul></div><div class='col-md-4'><ul>"); 
					 } elseif ($count === $column_total) {
					 	echo "</ul></div>";
				} // end foreach                                                        						
echo "</div>"; // end row

this definitely won't work, because it won't be consistent with bootstrap framework (too many columns) and also the you will need 2 counts, one for columns and one for the UL... if you give me more info i will fix the code i postef

Thanks Macrura

I didn't want that many columns.

I simply wanted three. I thought if I counted up the total number of rows in the array, that would be number of list items.

I then divided the list items by 3 and used the ceil function to up it the next round number.

then, add in the first bootstrap div column. spit the array into it with a counter.  when the counter reaches the frist limit point defined by the ceil variable it would test for this and add it the closing div for that column. It should then test to see if there are more items in the array. If there are add in another column div  and so on. Finally, if there are no more items in the array, add in the closing div.

does that explain what i'm trying to achieve? 1 list divided over 3 columns with approx 43 items in each column.

This is the result so far:


Using this template:


 * Page template


echo "              <div class='container'>
                        <div class='row'>
                           <div class='col-md-12'>";

				echo " {$page->body}



echo"               </div !-- end container -->";


 and this function:

function dmc_list(){
	$dmcs = wire('pages')->find("template=dmc");
		echo"<div class='row'>";
                $dmc_total = count($dmcs);
                $column_total = $dmc_total / 3;
                $column_ceiling = ceil($column_total);
		$dmc_count = 0;	

		echo "<div class='container'>";	

				foreach($dmcs as $dmc){
					if((count($dmcs)>0) && ($dmc_count==0)) { echo "<div class='col-md-4'>";}
					$dmc_count ++;
					$region = $dmc->parent->title;
					if($region !== $new_region) { echo "<li  class='list-group-item list-group-item-info'><b>{$region}</b></li>";}
					$new_region = $dmc->parent->title;
					echo "<li> $dmc->title {$region}</li>";
						if($dmc_count == $column_ceiling){
								echo "</div>";
								$dmc_count = 0;	}
						if(count($dmcs) == 0) {
										echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";		
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function dmc_list(){
    $dmcs = wire('pages')->find("template=dmc");
    $total = $dmcs->count();
    $items_per_column =  ceil($total / 3);
    $count = 0;    

echo"<div class='row'>";
    echo "<div class='col-md-4'>"; //start the first column
        echo '<ul>'; // start your first list
        foreach($dmcs as $dmc){
            $new_region = $dmc->parent->title; // why the same variable?
            $region = $dmc->parent->title;
            if($region !== $new_region) echo "<li class='list-group-item list-group-item-info'><b>{$region}</b></li>";
                                        echo "<li>{$dmc->title} {$region}</li>";
                    if(++$count%$items_per_column) { // this will be false when we are on the last item in column
                        echo "";
                    } else { // this part will run when we are on the last item in the column
                        echo "</ul></div>";
                        if($count === $total) echo "<div class='col-md-4'><ul>"; // this will start a new column unless we're on the last item.
                } // end foreach                                                                                
echo "</div>"; // end row

using the modulus :

$a % $b Modulus Remainder of $a divided by $b.

so if the items_per_column is say 40, then there will be no remainder when the count hits 40 (false condition) so then it uses the false clause and closes the tags, and start the new tags;

not perfect, but should give you some ideas about how to use some tricks to make it cleaner

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Thank you Macrura

This almost worked, but it dropped the third column and produced the following result.

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                           <div class='col-md-12'> <h2 class="art-postheader">What is a DMC (Destination Management Company) ?</h2><p>A DMC provides local destination knowledge and they act as a extension of your company</p><p>A DMC (Destination Management Company) offer the following logistic services in their destination; Meet and Greet, Transfers / Transportation, Hotel Accommodation, Restaurants, Activities, Excursions, Conference Venues, Themed Events, Gala Dinners and Logistics. Naturally, DMCs assist with overcoming any language barriers.</p><p>A DMC must be someone that you can relate to and trust, whilst they assist you on both a creative and professional level. They are often able to provide preferential rates based on the buying power that they have with their preferred suppliers.</p><p>The above is only a basic overview of the services that a DMC can provide.</p>

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The reason I had this part in:

            $new_region = $dmc->parent->title; // why the same variable?
            $region = $dmc->parent->title;

is because each of the dmcs in the list come under a different parent. I'd ordered the array by the parent. When I put those to variables in that look the same, I put one at the start of the loop and one at the end and the test in the middle. That way when it ran through the loop, if the region was different to the one triggered by the previous loop item then it would print the new region in a fancy new label.

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yeah - sorry there was an error:

if($count !== $total) echo "<div class='col-md-4'><ul>";

that should fix it and make it start the new column;

you should be able to put back your variable logic how you want, to get the new region label;

i think it's really important to comment your code, so that anyone looking at it can understand it, especially if you are posting to a forum; so commenting the logic all the way through would make it easier for us to follow what you're trying to do.. also can't guarantee this will work without being able to test it... 

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Thank you. I'll try this out tonight. Totally agree about the comments. I started  doing this as of last night when I started to get lost in my own code mess! Cheers

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yeah - sorry there was an error:

if($count !== $total) echo "<div class='col-md-4'><ul>";

that should fix it and make it start the new column;

you should be able to put back your variable logic how you want, to get the new region label;

i think it's really important to comment your code, so that anyone looking at it can understand it, especially if you are posting to a forum; so commenting the logic all the way through would make it easier for us to follow what you're trying to do.. also can't guarantee this will work without being able to test it... 

Thank you. Looks great.


I'm learning bootstrap at about the same rate as pw, so all help gratefully received.

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