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cropping image behaviour


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Hi All,

I am probably dong something wrong here, but I am trying to resize images without cropping them, but images are still being cropped even when cropping is set to false. 

This is actually working.

Using the below code:

//Load the user via API 
$u = $users->get($username);

//Will be single object of type Pageimage
$avatar = $u->avatar;

//Set Image array optons
$image_options = array(
  'cropping' => false,
  'quality' => 90

//Check if avatar field is empty and assigns default image 
  if ($u->avatar->url){
        $thumb = $avatar->size(100,100, $image_options);
        $avatar_thumb .= "<img class='img-rounded img-responsive' src='{$thumb->url}'' alt='{$avatar->description}'' />"; 
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I think the thumbnail image you see in the admin when editing the page is the 100x100 automatically generated image you're seeing. That only shows if your images field has the thumbnails checkbook ticked.

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