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Happy easter!

Lately I was trying to gain an overview of Open Source projects to join, but didn't succeed (at that time) to find such a directory. In my mind, there would be filtering through both languages/frameworks, difficulty levels and beginning tasks. So I started to write down a concept sketch about such a project list myself, maybe to start as a side project to experiment and learn from. In the meantime I found openhatch.org and up-for-grabs.net.

But the early concept in my mind has starting drifting to slightly another approach for supplying OSS project data. Before I go any further down this road I would be grateful if some of you could give the following a read:


In this markdown file I tried to sum up the idea. Any feedback on this would be highly appreciated :) Maybe its a "me too", maybe dead on arrival because of conceptional quirks, but I want to give it a try at least.

And why am I posting this on a ProcessWire board? Well, the last weeks I found out that it would be perfect to start such a directory with PW - at least for me not being a backend-guy. But I could have produce nice results/functions in a short period of time. And surely PW cares about Open Source :)

Kind regards!


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