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ProcessWire is a tool for building things, so a Wiki wouldn't build itself. :) But when you've got a need for such things, it's always good to evaluate the software that is already out there to perform the task. For instance, I quite like the IP.Board forums, so see no reason to go build our forum in ProcessWire. Likewise, Wikis are an entire category of CMSs, with MediaWiki being the most widely known/used. After evaluating the options, if you decide not to use a turn-key package and that you'd still like to build it in ProcessWire, you'll find it'll be a whole lot easier than trying to build a Wiki elsewhere (I've always thought a Wiki would be quite fun to build in PW). 

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One of the main reasons for creating a Wiki from scratch is because what is needed really isn't quite a wiki at all.

In its trues sense a WikiWikiWeb (the first one) is a collaborative anarchic information repository that uses a common markup system and has no editorial structure.

That is great if you want to create a Wikipedia clone (and have all the headaches that go along with it), but not necessarily much use if what you want is a formal document (articles are documents) repository with submission, editorial and publishing protocols.

If you want the first, use Wikimedia or one of the thousand and one similar versions out there.

If you want something more structured, then designing one from scratch could be very interesting.

I am sure you will get lots of advice when you need it! 

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