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Replacing "+" in InputfieldPageName


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Hi there,

I tried to enter a replacement for the character "+" in the module settings of InputfieldPageName, but this does not work.

Did I make something wrong or does anything speak against replacing the "+" character?

Cheers, Christian

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+ is not allowed in a page name.

Yes, of course it is not allowed. When you use a "+" in the title, it is replaced by a "-" in the page name, e.g:

Page title: test 123+456

Page name: test-123-456

I would like to have the "+" replaced by something else, so I have added this in the module settings:


In the same way I have changed the german umlauts:




The Umlauts work fine, but to replace the "+" does not work.

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Guess the replacing takes happen before your's, and when it's replace in js it isn't there anymore so you can't overwrite it. There's no way around other than changing the core js, or trying hook (js) into input blur somehow before page name js does its work.

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