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Progress on ProcessWire 2.2 and overview of multi-language support


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I was wondering if multi-language support works with image description fields already, because I have to decide wether to use the image field or a repeater to store image captions.

There isn't yet a dedicated multi-language image field, like there are multi-language text fields. So you'd probably want to use a repeater for multi-language captions with images, like you mentioned.

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Ryan, I've just started with a site translation and stumbled upon this: When using a repeater field that has a title field inside, PW won't save the value of the translation in the title field. Is using a title field inside a repeater allowed? The title is now a PageTitleLanguage field. I'm attaching a screenshot for reference.


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There should be no problem with using a multi langage field in a repeater. Just tried to do it here with a PageTitleLanguage field and it worked. What version of PW does it say at the bottom of the screen?

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i tried moving the repeater into a fieldsettab, but still works as it shouild. The only thing I can think of is that you might want to upgrade your PW version. I'm running 2.2.7 and you are running 2.2.3, so that seems to be the only obvious major difference at present.

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It worked with 2.2.7! Thanks a lot for the answer. On another subject, I realized that using the PageTitleLanguage field for titles automatically creates new urls for the languages. But there's no apparent way to refine this, I guess. Check this example:

Original field (Spanish) > URL

Atención al cliente > /atencion-al-cliente/

New field in portuguese:

Atenção ao Cliente > /atenc-ao-ao-cliente/

I would like to refine the portuguese URL to "atencao-ao-cliente". I guess the "name" field should have a translation field below, as well.


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On another subject, I realized that using the PageTitleLanguage field for titles automatically creates new urls for the languages.

When you use multi-language fields, they all live at the same URL and it's up to the $user->language setting to determine what language gets shown at that URL. Visit this page for more info about the benefits and drawbacks as well as different strategies that you can take:


I also recommend checking out McMorry & Soma's Language Localized URL module as another possible solution.

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Ryan, I understand that there's a way to have multi-language site using the same url. But I found it interesting that PW generates new urls with the PageTitleLanguage field. I really like this as it's very user readable and friendly. The only drawback I wanted to point out with my message, is that there's no apparent way to refine or change the slug/name for other languages. That would be awesome! :) Maybe it's something useful and could be added in future versions.

Btw I'm checking the Language Localized URL module and posting my findings on the forum as well.

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The only drawback I wanted to point out with my message, is that there's no apparent way to refine or change the slug/name for other languages.

If the page name were different, it would technically be a different page. We will find a way to do some kind of aliasing down the road, but it would involve some changes to the way that ProcessWire addresses and differentiates between pages. But it's doable. I'm just waiting for the simple solution to pop into my head and it hasn't yet. :)

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