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Typography: Key to Page Organization


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Is this OK that I am (laughingly) complaining a bit about another CMS? It's a pub and that's where people do that, right?

I took on a WordPress project after 7 years of no WordPress. No surprises: exact same level of frustration.  :lol:  After admiring the built-in "Press This" bookmarklet feature for a few seconds, I was amazed to see these dashes holding the conceptual page model together. With sortable columns, dashes start to fly everywhere! Everyone gets a dash. After looking that over, I had a back-and-forth discussion on "where is the posts page? Maybe this page should be the posts page" and it was making me feel like I had wandered back into the asylum.

I pitched ProcessWire as a backend for this project, but it unfortunately it was a decision for a different team.

It's also weird how there's nothing even close to, say, $input->get->foo in WP. You have to head on over to functions.php and start writing a filter so you can capture that stuff if you need it. Oh well. I'm thankful to have learned enough PHP from ProcessWire that I know what to look for and can work around a lot of stuff that they recommend you install plugins to fix.  ^_^  

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