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The Significato Journal ~ nectar for the soul (from MODX Evo to PW)

Peter Falkenberg Brown

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Hello All,

After spending most of my free time this year building a large web application with ProcessWire, I've finally found the time to migrate my magazine site from MODX Evolution to PW.


I'm very, very pleased with ProcessWire, and will no longer be using MODX.

In a separate post, I'll write up a case study of how I did the migration.

But for now, I really thank Ryan and all the extremely supportive gurus in this very fine PW community.

Peter Brown

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Nice Job Peter. I'm not sure i like the margins on both sides of the site, but maybe that's just me. Also, width and height set to 100% on that background image gives some funny effects when resizing the browser window; trees going out of propportion. Maybe you could try with background-size: cover; .


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Dear All,

Thanks for the likes, and thanks Diogo.

SiNNuT, I agree about the background -- it stretches when the window is resized. I have to say that my CSS comfort zone is still rather small. I copied the code from somewhere on the web, for the scrolling ability with the background image.

I tried the background cover option, but I'm not doing it right, and it didn't change anything. Here's my current css and html code:



<img src="/site/assets/site_images/ireland_wallpaper.jpg" alt="background image" name="background" id="background" />
<div id="scroller"> <br />
... body content here ...


#scroller {

So, based on this, my understanding is that everything inside the scroller div scrolls over the image.

I tried adding the "background-size: cover;" attribute to the div wrapped around the image, to no effect.

If you've got any tips on how to integrate that, I'd welcome them.



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