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Config Change also Changed ALL Passwords?


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Is there any reason why a change from $config->pagefileSecure = false; to $config->pagefileSecure = true; in /site/config.php would change all existing user passwords, including the admin one, or prevent them from being recognized in Processwire? I'm having to manually reset every single user password so that people can re-access the site which is a massive headache.

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Another interesting note about having pagefileSecure enabled is that you must give permissions to user groups not only for templates, but also for any repeater that's used to store attachments. I was about to pull my hair out trying to figure out why only superusers could download anything from pages other groups were (in various tests) enabled to do everything possible to.

I still have no idea what happened to the passwords when I enabled the option as mentioned above. Although encrypted, it still looked like everyone had unique passwords in phpMyAdmin when I looked at the field_pass table.

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Is there any reason why a change from $config->pagefileSecure = false; to $config->pagefileSecure = true; in /site/config.php would change all existing user passwords, including the admin one, or prevent them from being recognized in Processwire? 

I'm not aware of anything related between that setting and users or passwords. Is it possible that a PHP version downgrade (into a version 5.3.8 or before) happened at a similar time (whether by migration or on the same server)? That could potentially account for the behavior you described. 

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