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Repeaters using $repeater->render()


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I'm trying to render repeater using the $page->render("path/to/template.php") method.

Like this:

echo $slider->render($config->paths->templates . "views/_slider.php");

But I'm getting an error 

Error:     Exception: Template file does not exist: '/home/updatepu/www/reitsimulator.ch/site/templates/repeater_repeater_slider.php

When I create a repeater_repeater_slider.php file in the templates folder my code works and it's using the /views/_slider.php correctly

Why is this and can we prevent that error?

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It seems like we should be able to change that behavior but I can't initially figure out why it's not accepting your argument to the render() method. Just to be clear, $slider is an individual Page (rather RepeaterPage) and not a PageArray? And the render() method is intended to be Page::render? One possible factor may be that repeater pages have their own class: RepeaterPage rather than Page, and this might be interfering somewhere along the line, but not yet deep enough in the code to see where. 

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